
DFRobot EC library failed to import into IOT Cloud (uno R4)

userHead fruechtetea 2024-06-10 22:33:41 71 Views3 Replies

Hi, I wanted to add the DFRobot EC library for the uno R4/ IOT Cloud, unfortunately I get the following error:


Error while importing files

DFRobot_EC_Test: Error: no .ino fileDFRobot_PH_EC: Error: no .ino file



I used this library:

GitHub - DFRobot/DFRobot_EC: Arduino library for Gravity: Analog Electrical Conductivity Sensor / Meter Kit V2 (K=1.0), SKU: DFR0300


I followed the instructions from here

Importing files to the Web Editor | Arduino Documentation



I am happy about any help



icon 151KB Download(0)
2024-06-21 17:18:28

It seems like you are encountering issues while trying to import the DFRobot EC library into your Arduino Uno R4/IoT Cloud project. The error message "Error: no .ino file" typically indicates that the Arduino Web Editor is unable to find the main `.ino` file within the library folder structure. Here’s how you can resolve this issue:

### Importing the DFRobot EC Library Correctly

1. **Download the Library**:
  - Go to the [DFRobot EC library repository](
  - Click on the green "Code" button and select "Download ZIP" to download the library to your computer.

2. **Extract the ZIP File**:
  - Extract the downloaded ZIP file. Inside, you should find a folder named `DFRobot_EC-master` (or similar).

3. **Locate the `.ino` File**:
  - Navigate into the extracted library folder (`DFRobot_EC-master`).
  - Look for a file with the extension `.ino`. This is the main Arduino sketch file that should be located directly inside the library folder or within a folder named the same as the library (like `DFRobot_EC`).

4. **Ensure Proper Structure**:
  - The Arduino Web Editor expects a specific structure where the main `.ino` file (the sketch file) is directly inside the library folder or within a folder that is named the same as the library itself.
  - If the structure of the downloaded library is different (for example, all files are inside a subfolder like `src` or `examples`), you might need to reorganize the files to match the expected structure.

5. **Zip the Library Correctly (if needed)**:
  - If the extracted folder structure matches the above requirements (`.ino` file directly inside or in a folder named the same as the library), you can try importing it again.
  - If not, create a ZIP archive of the library with the correct structure. For example, create a ZIP file that includes the `DFRobot_EC` folder directly containing the `.ino` file and any other necessary files.

6. **Import into Arduino Web Editor**:
  - In the Arduino Web Editor:
    - Go to **Libraries** (in the left sidebar).
    - Click on **Import**.
    - Choose the ZIP file you prepared (the one with the correct structure).
    - Click **Open** to import the library.

7. **Verify and Use**:
  - After importing, the library should appear under **Libraries** in your Arduino Web Editor.
  - You can now include and use it in your sketches by selecting it from the Libraries dropdown menu in the IDE.

### Example Scenario

For instance, if your downloaded library structure looks like this after extraction:

├── DFRobot_EC.ino
└── other_files...

Make sure the `DFRobot_EC.ino` file is directly inside the `DFRobot_EC-master` folder. If it’s nested further (like `DFRobot_EC-master/src/DFRobot_EC.ino`), you should adjust the folder structure accordingly before zipping and importing.

Following these steps should resolve the "Error: no .ino file" issue and allow you to successfully import and use the DFRobot EC library in your Arduino Uno R4/IoT Cloud project. If you encounter any further issues, double-check the library structure and ensure it matches the expected format for Arduino libraries.

userHeadPic JAMES.JACK
2024-06-12 20:18:39

Not sure if the library is compatible with R4.

userHeadPic lia.ifat
fruechtetea wrote:

well, than which one is compatible with R4?


2024-06-19 04:55:13
1 Replies