
DFRobot TEL0138 GPS Receiver. Windows 10

userHead Derek.Johnstone 2024-06-11 18:30:05 74 Views3 Replies


Does the DFRobot TEL0138 GPS Receiver work on Windows 10, feeding a stream onto a COM port?

I have had trouble with a similar device, where the drivers were withdrawn in 2012. Only usable on Windows XP.

Thanks for your help.


2024-06-22 17:21:29

I'm please to tell everyone that the TEL0138 GPS Receiver works on Windows 10.

On my laptop it was found as COM3

Microsoft Autoroute 2013 now know where I am.

Regards derek


userHeadPic Derek.Johnstone
2024-06-11 21:47:50

This wiki page shows that you need to install google earth in windows to use it.

userHeadPic lia.ifat
Derek.Johnstone wrote:


That's not what I want to do.

I have old Microsoft Autoroute 2013 on my laptop, that takes a serial feed from a COM port.

I use that because I can import a file of 40 OS Map references, and Autoroute plots a route to visit all references.


I have a Fortunea U2 GPS receiver, that used to work OK when it was on XP, but there were never any Windows drivers for it on Win 7 onwards.

So what do you think?

Regards  Derek



2024-06-13 00:11:38
1 Replies