Problem with LED matrix and ESP32
Hi, im kinda new to electronics, but Im trying to write some app for wifi control over LED matrix using ESP-WROOM-32 (I think its just ESP32). The problem is that even after all connections even one LED is not on.
Im using this matrix:
this microcotroller:
and this as the power supply:
I cheked thats not the problem of power supply using gauge.
Here's the map of how I connect everything on the left matrix on the right GPIO's of ESP32. Please help somebody. I tried to at least turn on one led for like 3 days and still manage to do any progress.
1.G1 -> D34
2. R1 -> D35
3. GND -> GND
4. B1 -> D32
5. G2 -> D33
6. R2 -> D25
7. GND -> GND
8. B2 -> D26
9. B -> D27
10. A -> D23
12. C -> D22
13. STB -> D21
14. CLK -> D19
15. GND -> GND
16. OE -> D18