Forum >Unihiker Face Tracking Demo Code

Unihiker Face Tracking Demo Code

userHead Ralph.Yamamoto 2024-07-14 14:49:50 1699 Views4 Replies

Is the code for the demo programs on the Unihiker available?  I'm interested in the Face Tracking demo.




2024-08-21 04:06:16

userHeadPic Matha.Goram
2024-07-29 16:26:38

The following links may help:

Here is also an alternative approach of face detection using Raspberry Pi:

userHeadPic lia.ifat
Matha.Goram wrote:



I posted a basic question on camera interface with OpenCV in another thread, which has not received any reply. Please pardon me for using this thread to seek another response.


I noticed that the sample code uses OpenCV without any issue. I installed the OpenCV package. Furthermore, I can get the version number (in my case it is 4.6.0 - rather old but not an issue for my introductory purposes).


However, I cannot get either cv2.VideoCapture (to read frames) or cv2.imshow() (to display frames) to work. Is there anything else that needs to be done for configuration other than to install the OpenCV package? Thanks.



2024-08-17 15:55:58
1 Replies
2024-07-26 04:51:28

You can find the built-in example in /opt/unihiker/examples/7-Sticker Face Tracking/.

userHeadPic LL