
C1001 - SEN0623 - mmwave Human Presence dectector

userHead BScott 2024-08-29 18:51:08 94 Views1 Replies

I have the C1001 board and even after getting the examples working and reading the Wiki, I still have some questions!


I'd like to know what radar sensor this product uses, so I can perhaps dig deeper into how to communicate with it.  The included library has a few bugs and at least one misspelling ("gitHeartRate(void)"….?) which suggests that it is a revision of another library, perhaps from the original radar manufacturer.


I did not really expect the chip to accurately read respiration and pulse, much less estimate sleep “quality”, but I did hope it could tell the difference between a human lying down and standing up - so far, I can't get it to do that.  I've only tried the sleep mode but based on my experience I do not have high hopes for the fall-detection mode either!


A few specific questions:

- there's a red LED which lights up when a human is present - whether or not it is “set up” in the code.  This works great.  But hu.getLEDLightState(hu.eHPLed) always returns a 1- is it even POSSIBLE for comprehensiveState.presence and hu.smSleepData(hu.eInOrNotInBed) to report different values?  I expect the first to give me a 1 if something roughly human-sized is within range, and the second to give me a 1 only when that object is roughly horizontal…- I understand that the chip probably waits a while after detecting me (the LED comes on) and reporting the presence of a human (via comprehensiveState.presence) but how long does it wait before trying to guess whether I'm asleep?  How does it decide to begin to (claim to) measure pulse/respiration?- comprehensiveState.averageRespiration and comprehensiveState.averageHeartbeat both return numbers when measuring your vitals, but when no one is around or before they begin doing that, they return different values - averageHeartbeat is a 0, which makes sense, but averageRespiration can't be converted to a number??- once it begins measuring vitals, it does not stop reporting them even after no one is in the room…


I've purchased and experimented with a number of radar sensors and so far this one is no better than the others, although it cost 5x more.

2024-08-29 19:04:19

OK can I edit this to have better line breaks…?

userHeadPic BScott