
PH sensor calibration

userHead THIPPESWAMY.NAIK 2024-08-30 17:15:39 27 Views0 Replies

Subject: Assistance Required for Calibration Method – Issue with Results

Hello DFRobot Support Team,


I am writing to seek your assistance regarding the calibration method described in the product documentation for Gravity Analog pH Sensor Meter (SEN0161-V2). Unfortunately, the results we are obtaining do not meet our requirements despite following the procedures as outlined.

To provide more context, I have attached a log file containing the readings we have taken during our calibration attempts. We have carefully reviewed the steps multiple times, but the output remains inconsistent with our expected results.

Could you please review the attached log file and advise us on the correct calibration procedure? Any guidance or additional troubleshooting steps you could provide would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you

Best regards,
Thippeswamy Naik

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