
Sound sensor DFR0034 V2.2

userHead alexandre.riasat 2018-01-17 21:51:58 3892 Views3 Replies
Hi all,

I have purchased a sound sensor (DFR0034 V2.2, Analog sensor) and i would like to convert the values that the serial monitor show us into DB. Now i m just reading the values of the sensor nothing more.


Board: Arduino Uno
Sensor : Analog( Output, GND, VCC)

this is my code:
Code: Select all
int led = 13;
int threshold = 100; //Change This
int sensor = A0;
int valeur ;

void setup() {                
  Serial.begin(9600); // For debugging
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
  //pinMode (sensor, INPUT);   

void loop() {
  valeur = analogRead(sensor); // Reads the value from the Analog PIN A0
  Serial.print("Sound Level: ");
  Serial.println(valeur);//print the value
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH); //Turn ON Led
    digitalWrite(led, LOW); // Turn OFF Led

And i would like to convert these values that the sensor measure into decibels :


This what the graph shows me :


this is the link for the datasheet of the sound sensor ... f?raw=true
2018-01-19 16:06:12 ... easurement
I found this project, hope this will helpful
userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-01-18 18:23:13 I have the datasheet of the mic and the datasheet of the sound sensor, i m powering my sound sensor at 5V so I think that should not be complicated to convert it into DB. userHeadPic alexandre.riasat
2018-01-18 16:19:34 This sensor can only output analog voltage of the sound, the algorithm covert to dB is sophisticated. This sound level meter can output dB directly userHeadPic robert.chen