
1602 keypad shield

userHead Account cancelled 2018-02-15 17:04:19 2408 Views0 Replies

I'm coming to talk about your 1602 LCD Keypad Shield For Arduino that I had the opportunity to use several times. The idea is very interesting and allows to get rid of a complicated PCB. However, there is a real problem that is finishing a project. You know that for us amateurs canning is a must and regular punishment. Keypad key length does not exceed the display support and unless you use a box designed specifically for this purpose that is often incompatible with the rest of the project so that the development of the finished project I design a new circuit with an independent keypad. Even the longest keys are too short.
Could you look into this problem and find a solution so that the top of the keys exceed a few millimeters the box. If the screen is flush with the box I dfrobot 5 or 6 millimeters for the keys to go over and it would be great.
Thank you and good day.
Christian (Lyon - France)