Forum >USB host shield not working
USB host shield not working

Neither my PC nor the tablet recognized the USB shield when plugged in. I appreciate any pointer to identify the issue.
2011-09-22 18:30:25 I resolved all the issues, the shield is now working. However I have to make 2 changes to board: Reset (to D7) and SS (to D53, this is a hard wired jumper).
I know that the code did not like SS set to digital 10, regardless of the changes made in max..constant.h. However I did not reverse the Reset back to the SPI reset to see if it still works: I like to get on playing with the shield.
Also to make the shield work with the Demokit program, the LED pin definition should steer clear of digital pins 7, 8, 9 which are used for the Max3421e controls.
I hope this thread would help others who struggle to make the shield work.
If you have question or need help, please shoot me an email at bic AT
Happy ADKing!
I know that the code did not like SS set to digital 10, regardless of the changes made in max..constant.h. However I did not reverse the Reset back to the SPI reset to see if it still works: I like to get on playing with the shield.
Also to make the shield work with the Demokit program, the LED pin definition should steer clear of digital pins 7, 8, 9 which are used for the Max3421e controls.
I hope this thread would help others who struggle to make the shield work.
If you have question or need help, please shoot me an email at bic AT
Happy ADKing!

2011-09-22 18:30:25 I resolved all the issues, the shield is now working. However I have to make 2 changes to board: Reset (to D7) and SS (to D53, this is a hard wired jumper).
I know that the code did not like SS set to digital 10, regardless of the changes made in max..constant.h. However I did not reverse the Reset back to the SPI reset to see if it still works: I like to get on playing with the shield.
Also to make the shield work with the Demokit program, the LED pin definition should steer clear of digital pins 7, 8, 9 which are used for the Max3421e controls.
I hope this thread would help others who struggle to make the shield work.
If you have question or need help, please shoot me an email at bic AT
Happy ADKing!
I know that the code did not like SS set to digital 10, regardless of the changes made in max..constant.h. However I did not reverse the Reset back to the SPI reset to see if it still works: I like to get on playing with the shield.
Also to make the shield work with the Demokit program, the LED pin definition should steer clear of digital pins 7, 8, 9 which are used for the Max3421e controls.
I hope this thread would help others who struggle to make the shield work.
If you have question or need help, please shoot me an email at bic AT
Happy ADKing!

2011-09-21 21:53:40 Hi Bic,
I passed this along to my boss. Here is his answer:
The reason we use only 1 translator is the Arduino is able to detect 3.3v as high level voltage. So the 3.3V output is able to work with Arduino. Only one translator is needed for input. The benifit is that the 3.3V may also be used by 3.3V device such as maple and Microsoft gadgeteer board.
In sparkfun and [email protected] design, they use Arduino D7 to reset MAX3421, while in [email protected]'s uhs_20 version, this design has not been used any more. We also check the MAX3421 datasheet, it has internal POR(power on reset) which means we can simply set this pin HIGH to make it work. That is why we make the modification. Once reset the Arduino, the reset signal will also reset the MAX3421 to initialize it.
Sorry we haven't pointed out the change. It is our mistake, will correct it ASAP. BTW, can you let me know what you are trying to do? And what is the configuration of your hardware such as which arduino board you are using? We can try to set up the same environment to see if there is any problem and hope to provide you a good solution.
Bic, if you could tell us what your setup is we will troubleshoot it here.
I passed this along to my boss. Here is his answer:
The reason we use only 1 translator is the Arduino is able to detect 3.3v as high level voltage. So the 3.3V output is able to work with Arduino. Only one translator is needed for input. The benifit is that the 3.3V may also be used by 3.3V device such as maple and Microsoft gadgeteer board.
In sparkfun and [email protected] design, they use Arduino D7 to reset MAX3421, while in [email protected]'s uhs_20 version, this design has not been used any more. We also check the MAX3421 datasheet, it has internal POR(power on reset) which means we can simply set this pin HIGH to make it work. That is why we make the modification. Once reset the Arduino, the reset signal will also reset the MAX3421 to initialize it.
Sorry we haven't pointed out the change. It is our mistake, will correct it ASAP. BTW, can you let me know what you are trying to do? And what is the configuration of your hardware such as which arduino board you are using? We can try to set up the same environment to see if there is any problem and hope to provide you a good solution.
Bic, if you could tell us what your setup is we will troubleshoot it here.

2011-09-21 21:53:40 Hi Bic,
I passed this along to my boss. Here is his answer:
The reason we use only 1 translator is the Arduino is able to detect 3.3v as high level voltage. So the 3.3V output is able to work with Arduino. Only one translator is needed for input. The benifit is that the 3.3V may also be used by 3.3V device such as maple and Microsoft gadgeteer board.
In sparkfun and [email protected] design, they use Arduino D7 to reset MAX3421, while in [email protected]'s uhs_20 version, this design has not been used any more. We also check the MAX3421 datasheet, it has internal POR(power on reset) which means we can simply set this pin HIGH to make it work. That is why we make the modification. Once reset the Arduino, the reset signal will also reset the MAX3421 to initialize it.
Sorry we haven't pointed out the change. It is our mistake, will correct it ASAP. BTW, can you let me know what you are trying to do? And what is the configuration of your hardware such as which arduino board you are using? We can try to set up the same environment to see if there is any problem and hope to provide you a good solution.
Bic, if you could tell us what your setup is we will troubleshoot it here.
I passed this along to my boss. Here is his answer:
The reason we use only 1 translator is the Arduino is able to detect 3.3v as high level voltage. So the 3.3V output is able to work with Arduino. Only one translator is needed for input. The benifit is that the 3.3V may also be used by 3.3V device such as maple and Microsoft gadgeteer board.
In sparkfun and [email protected] design, they use Arduino D7 to reset MAX3421, while in [email protected]'s uhs_20 version, this design has not been used any more. We also check the MAX3421 datasheet, it has internal POR(power on reset) which means we can simply set this pin HIGH to make it work. That is why we make the modification. Once reset the Arduino, the reset signal will also reset the MAX3421 to initialize it.
Sorry we haven't pointed out the change. It is our mistake, will correct it ASAP. BTW, can you let me know what you are trying to do? And what is the configuration of your hardware such as which arduino board you are using? We can try to set up the same environment to see if there is any problem and hope to provide you a good solution.
Bic, if you could tell us what your setup is we will troubleshoot it here.

2011-09-21 18:08:01 Hi Bic,
I appreciate your feedback. Could you tell me who you tried to contact at DFRobot? Did you try to email tech support? This forum post is the only place I have seen you try to contact us. If you feel you got a bad board we can have it replaced for you. I will also look into the physical faults you point out.
Please go to our website and fill out a return form so we can arrange a replacement for you. You will need to send back the faulty device. Also, could you post the sketch you are using so I can test it and make sure we send you a Known working shield.
I appreciate your feedback. Could you tell me who you tried to contact at DFRobot? Did you try to email tech support? This forum post is the only place I have seen you try to contact us. If you feel you got a bad board we can have it replaced for you. I will also look into the physical faults you point out.
Please go to our website and fill out a return form so we can arrange a replacement for you. You will need to send back the faulty device. Also, could you post the sketch you are using so I can test it and make sure we send you a Known working shield.

2011-09-21 18:08:01 Hi Bic,
I appreciate your feedback. Could you tell me who you tried to contact at DFRobot? Did you try to email tech support? This forum post is the only place I have seen you try to contact us. If you feel you got a bad board we can have it replaced for you. I will also look into the physical faults you point out.
Please go to our website and fill out a return form so we can arrange a replacement for you. You will need to send back the faulty device. Also, could you post the sketch you are using so I can test it and make sure we send you a Known working shield.
I appreciate your feedback. Could you tell me who you tried to contact at DFRobot? Did you try to email tech support? This forum post is the only place I have seen you try to contact us. If you feel you got a bad board we can have it replaced for you. I will also look into the physical faults you point out.
Please go to our website and fill out a return form so we can arrange a replacement for you. You will need to send back the faulty device. Also, could you post the sketch you are using so I can test it and make sure we send you a Known working shield.

2011-09-21 15:08:51 I spent hours troubleshooting the board down to the component level, and I found quite a few deficiencies, some severe, others quite an inconvenience.
1. First there is only 1 level translator. [email protected] design has 2: one for output, one for input to the Max3412. But one level translator? the output 3.3V may or may not work with the 5V AtMega running at 5V.
2. Second the Max_Reset is tied to the JTAG Reset. This is wrong, since the Max_Reset is an independent input controlled by the AtMega port, and not the the uC Reset, which is controlled by a physical switch. In other works SW can't Reset the Max chip for proper operation.
3. Ther is not warning about the port changes to Max_Int, Max_Reset, and optional Max_GPX one has to make in the Max3421e.cpp file to make the code compatible with the DFRobot shield.
I correct all the 3 errors and it is still NOT working. I suspect I got a lemon Max3421 part. I tried to contact DFRobot to get a replacement but got no response.
Unless I got a satisfactory answer, I suggest we should stay away from buying this shield, and avoid untold level of grief.
1. First there is only 1 level translator. [email protected] design has 2: one for output, one for input to the Max3412. But one level translator? the output 3.3V may or may not work with the 5V AtMega running at 5V.
2. Second the Max_Reset is tied to the JTAG Reset. This is wrong, since the Max_Reset is an independent input controlled by the AtMega port, and not the the uC Reset, which is controlled by a physical switch. In other works SW can't Reset the Max chip for proper operation.
3. Ther is not warning about the port changes to Max_Int, Max_Reset, and optional Max_GPX one has to make in the Max3421e.cpp file to make the code compatible with the DFRobot shield.
I correct all the 3 errors and it is still NOT working. I suspect I got a lemon Max3421 part. I tried to contact DFRobot to get a replacement but got no response.
Unless I got a satisfactory answer, I suggest we should stay away from buying this shield, and avoid untold level of grief.

2011-09-21 15:08:51 I spent hours troubleshooting the board down to the component level, and I found quite a few deficiencies, some severe, others quite an inconvenience.
1. First there is only 1 level translator. [email protected] design has 2: one for output, one for input to the Max3412. But one level translator? the output 3.3V may or may not work with the 5V AtMega running at 5V.
2. Second the Max_Reset is tied to the JTAG Reset. This is wrong, since the Max_Reset is an independent input controlled by the AtMega port, and not the the uC Reset, which is controlled by a physical switch. In other works SW can't Reset the Max chip for proper operation.
3. Ther is not warning about the port changes to Max_Int, Max_Reset, and optional Max_GPX one has to make in the Max3421e.cpp file to make the code compatible with the DFRobot shield.
I correct all the 3 errors and it is still NOT working. I suspect I got a lemon Max3421 part. I tried to contact DFRobot to get a replacement but got no response.
Unless I got a satisfactory answer, I suggest we should stay away from buying this shield, and avoid untold level of grief.
1. First there is only 1 level translator. [email protected] design has 2: one for output, one for input to the Max3412. But one level translator? the output 3.3V may or may not work with the 5V AtMega running at 5V.
2. Second the Max_Reset is tied to the JTAG Reset. This is wrong, since the Max_Reset is an independent input controlled by the AtMega port, and not the the uC Reset, which is controlled by a physical switch. In other works SW can't Reset the Max chip for proper operation.
3. Ther is not warning about the port changes to Max_Int, Max_Reset, and optional Max_GPX one has to make in the Max3421e.cpp file to make the code compatible with the DFRobot shield.
I correct all the 3 errors and it is still NOT working. I suspect I got a lemon Max3421 part. I tried to contact DFRobot to get a replacement but got no response.
Unless I got a satisfactory answer, I suggest we should stay away from buying this shield, and avoid untold level of grief.

2011-09-09 00:01:51 Hi,
I suggest you give this site a look. It has a lot of information about the USB shield. ... usb-shield
I suggest you give this site a look. It has a lot of information about the USB shield. ... usb-shield

2011-09-09 00:01:51 Hi,
I suggest you give this site a look. It has a lot of information about the USB shield. ... usb-shield
I suggest you give this site a look. It has a lot of information about the USB shield. ... usb-shield

2011-09-08 17:41:49 Plugged in a USB drive, no response reported. Is there a pde to test the USB drive with the Arduino + USB shield?

2011-09-08 17:41:49 Plugged in a USB drive, no response reported. Is there a pde to test the USB drive with the Arduino + USB shield?

2011-09-08 12:40:41 You should connect an USB "client" to a USB host port. Try something like a USB flash drive

2011-09-08 12:40:41 You should connect an USB "client" to a USB host port. Try something like a USB flash drive

2011-09-08 10:28:32 Neither my PC nor the tablet recognized the USB shield when plugged in. I appreciate any pointer to identify the issue.