
RLY-8 sugestions.

userHead james.gardiner 2018-03-05 11:50:33 2130 Views1 Replies
I am from a blog on Cinema Technology. The RLY-8 looks perfect for use in cinema. I am testing it now, however, I would like to make some suggestions on how to make it perfect.
Firstly, a PULSE command so you can in one JSON command tell a port to pulse for 1000ms (1Sec) and not have to tel it to open then wait then tell it to close. clumsy and prone to error.
Implement a Http server that shares a simply webpage that gives the user the ability to open/close/pulse the ports.
This would need a basic port 80 open to basic Http requests, a request to download the basic web page, and also support of JSON commands that are forward to the port 2000 commands.
It should still be very possible on the limited implementation you have.

I can work on it if you give me that methods on how to program the controller.
Happy to make open source.

This unit would be of great use to Cinema and for every screen installed in the world. Its all they need, simple and inexpensive.
It can be used the way it is, but if you added the above it would dominate the market for commercial cinema installations.

2018-03-06 13:50:10 did a Review of the BOX for my YouTube CHannel.
Please See:
userHeadPic james.gardiner