Forum >DFRduino L298N Motor Shield not working?

DFRduino L298N Motor Shield not working?

userHead peich 2011-05-14 21:06:53 11366 Views19 Replies

I have the DFRduino L298N Motor Shield mounted on to my Arduino Mega 2560 with a 9V battery as external supply for the motor. However after running the codes provided i am not able to run the motor. I have already placed the jumpers on the "PWR IN" pins as told.. I have tested that my motor can run on a 9V battery. Only after attaching it up to the shield that it does not work. I used a Digital Multimeter to check the output voltage from the motor terminal and found that it is only 60mV... which is not enough to drive the motor. Please advice. Thanks

2015-06-20 08:47:20
leff wrote:I saw there is V7 expansion shield in the middle, how is it going if your only inserted the DRI0009 on uno?

is it good before?

hai leff.....
what's V7 expansion shield???
userHeadPic mail_mee_info
2015-06-20 08:47:20
leff wrote:I saw there is V7 expansion shield in the middle, how is it going if your only inserted the DRI0009 on uno?

is it good before?

hai leff.....
what's V7 expansion shield???
userHeadPic mail_mee_info
2015-06-19 22:39:30 I saw there is V7 expansion shield in the middle, how is it going if your only inserted the DRI0009 on uno?

is it good before?
userHeadPic Leff
2015-06-19 22:39:30 I saw there is V7 expansion shield in the middle, how is it going if your only inserted the DRI0009 on uno?

is it good before?
userHeadPic Leff
2015-06-16 06:47:27 is there anyone can help me?? :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: userHeadPic mail_mee_info
2015-06-16 06:47:27 is there anyone can help me?? :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: userHeadPic mail_mee_info
2015-06-13 10:29:06 the led indicator on this shield is off (DRI0009) my motor shield was broken???


but the other indicator shield and arduino board is on
userHeadPic mail_mee_info
2015-06-13 10:29:06 the led indicator on this shield is off (DRI0009) my motor shield was broken???


but the other indicator shield and arduino board is on
userHeadPic mail_mee_info
2011-10-25 21:44:14 Hi Wlagunzad,

No, for the DRI0009 it is not this. What is the problem you are having exactly?

How much voltage are you supplying to each part? The shield already has the GNDs connected together. Maybe you need to modify the sample code for the MEGA to work correctly with this shield. Some of the pins are not the same, and the code provided is intended for use with the Arduino UNO.
userHeadPic Hector
2011-10-25 21:44:14 Hi Wlagunzad,

No, for the DRI0009 it is not this. What is the problem you are having exactly?

How much voltage are you supplying to each part? The shield already has the GNDs connected together. Maybe you need to modify the sample code for the MEGA to work correctly with this shield. Some of the pins are not the same, and the code provided is intended for use with the Arduino UNO.
userHeadPic Hector
2011-10-25 19:22:58 I'm using the DRI0009.  Add a wire from the DRI0009 negative post to the mega ground pin? userHeadPic wlagunzad
2011-10-25 19:22:58 I'm using the DRI0009.  Add a wire from the DRI0009 negative post to the mega ground pin? userHeadPic wlagunzad
2011-10-25 19:17:49 Hi Wlagunzad,

Could you give me the model of the motor shield you are using? is it DRI0009 or DRI0002?

If its DRI0002 you need to place a jumper wire between the GND post on the shield and any GND pin on the MEGA. Make sure that the cable is right on the shield, since having both the power GND and jumper wires in the same post can make it difficult to secure them.

If you still need a diagram let me know
userHeadPic Hector
2011-10-25 19:17:49 Hi Wlagunzad,

Could you give me the model of the motor shield you are using? is it DRI0009 or DRI0002?

If its DRI0002 you need to place a jumper wire between the GND post on the shield and any GND pin on the MEGA. Make sure that the cable is right on the shield, since having both the power GND and jumper wires in the same post can make it difficult to secure them.

If you still need a diagram let me know
userHeadPic Hector
2011-10-25 15:16:34 Hi,

I realize that this is an old topic, but I think this is the problem that I'm having. 

I can not picture in my mind how to supply a common ground between the arduino mega and the motor controller's battery.

my set up right now is I have a separate battery for the mega and the motor controller shield.

The motor controller shield is sitting on top of my mega.

The mega is being powered by battery "A" through the barrel jack connector.

The motor shield has positive and negative screw terminals attached to battery "B".

A picture or illustration will help me if you please.  Do I just put a wire between the motor shield's negative screw terminal to the Mega's ground?

thank you!
userHeadPic wlagunzad
2011-10-25 15:16:34 Hi,

I realize that this is an old topic, but I think this is the problem that I'm having. 

I can not picture in my mind how to supply a common ground between the arduino mega and the motor controller's battery.

my set up right now is I have a separate battery for the mega and the motor controller shield.

The motor controller shield is sitting on top of my mega.

The mega is being powered by battery "A" through the barrel jack connector.

The motor shield has positive and negative screw terminals attached to battery "B".

A picture or illustration will help me if you please.  Do I just put a wire between the motor shield's negative screw terminal to the Mega's ground?

thank you!
userHeadPic wlagunzad
2011-05-17 01:12:08 Hi Piech,

Have you connected a common ground between the arduino and your 9v power source?

NOTE: When the motor shield is powered by external power source, make sure the external power source and Arduino have the same GND.

You can power the arduino from the USB and supply 9V to the motors, but you should connect a ground wire between the arduino and the 9v pwr source.


Tech Support

userHeadPic Hector
2011-05-17 01:12:08 Hi Piech,

Have you connected a common ground between the arduino and your 9v power source?

NOTE: When the motor shield is powered by external power source, make sure the external power source and Arduino have the same GND.

You can power the arduino from the USB and supply 9V to the motors, but you should connect a ground wire between the arduino and the 9v pwr source.


Tech Support

userHeadPic Hector
2011-05-14 21:06:53 Hi,

I have the DFRduino L298N Motor Shield mounted on to my Arduino Mega 2560 with a 9V battery as external supply for the motor.  However after running the codes provided i am not able to run the motor. I have already placed the jumpers on the "PWR IN" pins as told.. I have tested that my motor can run on a 9V battery. Only after attaching it up to the shield that it does not work. I used a Digital Multimeter to check the output voltage from the motor terminal and found that it is only 60mV... which is not enough to drive the motor. Please advice. Thanks

userHeadPic peich