Forum >How to configure APC220?

How to configure APC220?

userHead cwlee 2011-10-27 00:15:49 9399 Views4 Replies

I got my APC220 just recently. I tried to use it with my Romeo and I thought I need to configure it before I can use it. I load the RF-Magic Configure Software in my Vista Home (English edition). Then I plug in the APC220 module in a USB port through the converter. However, when I start the configure software, a box appear with some garbage text. Then a configuration window appear. It couldn't see the APC220 module there.

Anyway, just by guessing, I think both APC220 modules should come with default configuration that should works. And they do :-) In fact, I simply plug in the APC220 modules to the Romeo and PC, and use Arduino's serial terminal to control the Romeo wirelessly without doing anything to the two APC220 modules. I can control the Romeo without any problem. That also tells me that the driver in my Vista is working.

However, when I tried to control the Romeo using PuTTY's serial terminal. It doesn't work. I use a baud rate of 9600, 8-N-1. (I also tried changing those settings including XON/XOFF, but no luck.) I used the same Romeo, PuTTY and a bluetooth module to connect to my Vista using bluetooth without any problem.

I hope I can get more detail from the configuration to see what's wrong but the configuration software is not working. Any suggestions how to fix it?


2025-02-27 15:00:41

Awesome, thanks for sharing! 

whynkay wrote:Thanks Cwlee!!

The method on ... 03&page=96 was worked for me Follow this link ... 1312395657 to download the instructions.
Here are some informations of my environment:

1. OS: Windows 8.1 64bit

2. RF module: APC220 v3.0

3. RF-Magic version: APC22X_V12A (link: ... 739649.rar)

4. Silicon labs' drivers not worked for me because the chip on USB to TTL Converter is PL-2303HX. And the PL-2303HX chip also have no windows 8.1 drivers but this pdf rescued me ... lation.pdf

Thanks all!

userHeadPic Leff
2025-02-27 15:00:29

Thanks Cwlee!!

The method on ... 03&page=96 was worked for me Follow this link ... 1312395657 to download the instructions.
Here are some informations of my environment:

1. OS: Windows 8.1 64bit

2. RF module: APC220 v3.0

3. RF-Magic version: APC22X_V12A (link: ... 739649.rar)

4. Silicon labs' drivers not worked for me because the chip on USB to TTL Converter is PL-2303HX. And the PL-2303HX chip also have no windows 8.1 drivers but this pdf rescued me ... lation.pdf

Thanks all!

userHeadPic whynkay
2011-10-30 07:01:22 Hi Cwlee,

On Putty, go to the "Terminal" settings, under "line discipline options" Set "local Echo" to "force ON" and "local line editing" as well.

Let me know if this gets  it working.

As far as getting the RF-Magic working. I'm not sure if its the same with vista, but for windows 7 64bit, you just need to go to the program properties and set the compatibility mode to "windows XP service pack 3" and "run as administrator".

Hope this might serve you for future reference ;)
userHeadPic Hector
2011-10-27 01:07:23 Hi,

After digging the net for some clues, I managed to find a solution to run RF-Magic.  Basically, I follow the post at and there is a very strange procedure!  Basically, I need to change the COM port no. from the system detected COM24 to COM2 (an un-used lower port no.) and then start the RF-Magic (as administrator) again.  It then works!

Anyway, the next issue to is to make it works on PuTTY.


userHeadPic cwlee