Forum >DFRduino UNO Problem to upload second sketch, reset doesnt work

DFRduino UNO Problem to upload second sketch, reset doesnt work

userHead Account cancelled 2011-06-10 12:23:30 3547 Views2 Replies
Hi I am a newb but read many pages how to reset the RFRduino with the reset-button.
Board: DFRduino UNO, IDE: Arduino 022, WinXP
My first upload worked fine after I found the right short USB-Cable.
My first sketch was the simple basic-blink-example
.. but now I want to upload another sketch.

I have tried:
- disconnect board right bevor upload
- press reset bevor upload
- long press (5 sec) bevor upload
- press reset shortly after upload
.. allways the same bug. The board starts the last dummy blink sketch.

and finally error:
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51

Any idea?
2012-03-19 20:22:18 Hi Cavu,

Could you give me a little more details about your problem?

You might start trouble shooting your problem by:
1. Changing the USB cable
2. Changing the USB port to which you connect on your computer
3. Trying on a different computer

And you should remove any connections or shields you have. If you have anything such as an Xbee or bluetooth module connected these will interfere with the Rx/Tx pins and will not allow you to program the Arduino. You should disconnect these types of devices every time you want to program your arduino.
userHeadPic Hector
2012-03-18 17:02:14 did anyone ever reply to this. I'm getting the same  error messagre regardless of dfrobot shield is used. userHeadPic anonymous