Bluno General Arduino

Have 2 Bluno M3 V2.2 and cant upload any sketches

userHead Account cancelled 2018-05-17 06:19:42 1871 Views0 Replies
Arduino 1.8.5

So earlier in the year I purchased a Bluno M3 and beetle to carry out my engineering dissertation project which involved wireless data transfer. Despite using the correct Bluno M3 library in the Arduino IDE i am still unable to get a single sketch to upload to the board, even tried pressing reset just as a sketch has compiled to no avail. I bought a second Bluno M3 as I needed the project to work and thought my first board may have been broken, however the second board is not uploading sketches either. Have had no problems with the beetle. Problem is to do with timeouts as soon as the uploading starts, will get one # and then it'll freeze for a second and then timeout multiple times. Both boards are flashed up to date and all bluno software in the arduino IDE is up to date. I am using the correct v2.2 software, as I know the v2.1 boards had to use a different version of arduino specific to the boards due to the ARM processor. Really need to get this problem fixed due to my presentation being next week so any help would be great thanks!