
DFPlayer Mini sound issue

userHead mbndarin 2018-05-17 09:27:52 4466 Views3 Replies
I am having issues with the DFPlayer Mini, no sound output.

I am using a Arduino UNO R3. I have the DFPlayer Mini powered by the UNO using the 5v and GND pins on the UNO connected to the VCC and GND pin on the DFPlayer Mini. I have the serial connections as shown on the Wiki, TX to PWM 10/RX to1k resister to PWM 11. I then have a small speaker connected to the two speaker connections on the DXPlayer.

I have the audio file on a 16GM microSD card. The mp3 was created with a sampling rate of 48khz. The file is named 0001.mp3 and is located in the only folder on the card called MP3. The track is about 20 minutes long.

I am trying to run the DFPlayer full function program from the DFRobot Wiki.

Looking at the Serial Monitor, I get:

"DFRobot DFPlayer Mini Demo
Initializing DFPlayer ... (May take 3~5 seconds)
DFPlayer Mini online.

No error messages are displayed.

The blue LED blinks several times before staying solid. There is no sound at any point.
DFRobotDFPlayerMini version 1.0.2
SoftwareSerial 1.0
Arduino AVR boards 1.6.21

Appreciate any suggestions. I have tried two different DFPlayer Mini boards with the same result.
2018-05-24 17:46:31 What is the speaker you use and how do you connect the speaker? one to GND? userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-05-17 22:07:29 Increased the sound to 30 and set the delay between commands to 100000 ms. I also added a serial print before each command to see which command is being executed. I can see the Arduino is executing the commands in the serial window and the player is online and the blue light flashes between commands. No sound outputting from my speaker. I tested the speaker and it is reading 4 ohms when I touch the connectors. If I touch the wires behind the connectors I get 1. I suspect the wires may have a coating over them. userHeadPic mbndarin
2018-05-17 14:02:07 The full function code only play each file for 3 seconds, you need to change the delay time to let the full mp3 run. userHeadPic robert.chen