
power a drill without a battery using a 30 watt hand crank (or any hand crank)

userHead Account cancelled 2018-06-05 21:34:10 4247 Views0 Replies
Hi so Ive seen lots of hand cranks 30watts 3amp and I need a hand crank that will power a 3.6 volt 1500 ma 34lbs per inch, 5.4watt hand drill when it has no battery, meaning the hand crank will be the battery. I need this for my project, Because obviously if it cant make a hand drill work without a battery then it doesn't have 30 watts even if somehow they can trick a multimeter ( I used a 10 watt from k-tor and it moved the drill but it didn't have the 34lbs per inch meaning it has too little amps) Please help me, theyre showing a new hand crank everyday from 10watt- 20 watt- 30watt-65watt-400watt but no one has moved a hand drill with the torque a hand drill has and everything I am doing is about making a hand drill move with torque. If someone would you would really be helping the construction field , I need to do construction I don't need my cellphone or a light to turn on or a radio to turn on, PLEASE HELP ME FIND A HAND CRANK THAT WILL POWER MY DRILL WHEN MY DRILL HAS NO BATTERY !! Thank you kindly, my power tools are my life When my family is gone and all there is left is me the only thing I think about are my power tools