Bluno General Arduino

Bluno Beetle - Problems with BLE

userHead me.russian 2018-06-06 06:54:59 2486 Views4 Replies
Hi Guys,

I've got my Bluno Beetle and I'm trying to do my first tutorial.

I've uploaded tutorial code successfully, and I can see Bluno in list of devices on my Iphone, however this is where it stops.

I cannot connect to it. The only LED one is RED power light - nothing else.

Can anyone suggest how I can debug this?
2018-06-13 14:41:44 Did you download the app Bluno Basic Demo and try to connect it to Bluno? userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-06-09 11:03:04 This is the tutorial I was following: userHeadPic me.russian
2018-06-09 11:02:34 Looks like it was a temporary glitch - all of a sudden it started working again :)

I want to plug in some sensors and build gauges on IOS.
userHeadPic me.russian
2018-06-07 11:40:29 What is the tutorial you follow, and what do you want to do with the Bluno Beetle. userHeadPic robert.chen