
WiFi Bee-ESP8266 Wirelss module

userHead Ramli Azwan 2018-06-06 10:43:41 9447 Views19 Replies
Hi.. I bought this module and tried to connect with Arduino Mega but failed to get AP connection. Tried to do firmware flashing via Arduino Mega but still, fail to do flashing. My connection is as follows:

Tx0 pin Arduino Mega > Tx pin WiFi module (I've put voltage divider in between to reduce 5V voltage out from Arduino to 3.3V)
Rx0 pin Arduino Mega > Rx pin WiFi module
3.3V pin Arduino Mega > 3.3V pin WiFi module
GND pin Arduino Mega > GND pin WiFi module

Any advise?
2018-06-22 15:53:28 If you connect like the diagram above, you can't use the code we provide, and please understand that your wifi bee communicate with mega through Serial(TX/RX), The CoolTerm is also need to communicate with Mega through serial(in the wiki, it is a software serial). userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-06-22 15:53:28 If you connect like the diagram above, you can't use the code we provide, and please understand that your wifi bee communicate with mega through Serial(TX/RX), The CoolTerm is also need to communicate with Mega through serial(in the wiki, it is a software serial). userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-06-22 08:19:51 Hi.. Any updates? userHeadPic Ramli Azwan
2018-06-22 08:19:51 Hi.. Any updates? userHeadPic Ramli Azwan
2018-06-17 12:14:36 Hi Robert.

I dont have USB-Serial as in Wiki. My wiring is as follows. Please advise.
userHeadPic Ramli Azwan
2018-06-17 12:14:36 Hi Robert.

I dont have USB-Serial as in Wiki. My wiring is as follows. Please advise.
userHeadPic Ramli Azwan
2018-06-13 13:37:33 Could you attach a picture of your wiring? Since you have the USB-serial adaptor, the usage of mega should be similar to what shows in wiki. userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-06-13 13:37:33 Could you attach a picture of your wiring? Since you have the USB-serial adaptor, the usage of mega should be similar to what shows in wiki. userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-06-12 08:11:42 Hi.
Any further advise?
userHeadPic Ramli Azwan
2018-06-12 08:11:42 Hi.
Any further advise?
userHeadPic Ramli Azwan
2018-06-08 22:26:32 Hi Robert.

1. Yes. Im connecting D0 & D1 Mega for communication with ESP and Im using Serial Monitor from Arduino compiler to check the connection.
2. For AT Command, I tried both USB-Serial adaptor and Mega with 3.3V output.
3. Is it possible to flash my WiFi Bee module using Arduino Mega without Xbee Adapter? I tried but it fails to flash.
userHeadPic Ramli Azwan
2018-06-08 22:26:32 Hi Robert.

1. Yes. Im connecting D0 & D1 Mega for communication with ESP and Im using Serial Monitor from Arduino compiler to check the connection.
2. For AT Command, I tried both USB-Serial adaptor and Mega with 3.3V output.
3. Is it possible to flash my WiFi Bee module using Arduino Mega without Xbee Adapter? I tried but it fails to flash.
userHeadPic Ramli Azwan
2018-06-07 11:03:36 Hi
The two serials I mean is like the Connecting AP example in wiki, we used an UNO, so we use softwareserial to communicate with CoolTerm and the hardwareserial D0&D1 is for communication between ESP8266 and UNO. Therefore, if you use Mega(I am not sure if you use the IO expansion shield), D0/D1 is for communication with ESP8266 and you need to use another serial to communicate with the software CoolTerm.
For using AT command, do you have the USB-serial adaptor? or just connect to Mega? because the working voltage are different, but theoretically, you can just connect to 3.3V on Mega, but sorry, I can't guarantee it is good to use.
userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-06-07 11:03:36 Hi
The two serials I mean is like the Connecting AP example in wiki, we used an UNO, so we use softwareserial to communicate with CoolTerm and the hardwareserial D0&D1 is for communication between ESP8266 and UNO. Therefore, if you use Mega(I am not sure if you use the IO expansion shield), D0/D1 is for communication with ESP8266 and you need to use another serial to communicate with the software CoolTerm.
For using AT command, do you have the USB-serial adaptor? or just connect to Mega? because the working voltage are different, but theoretically, you can just connect to 3.3V on Mega, but sorry, I can't guarantee it is good to use.
userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-06-06 20:22:00 Thanks for the reply Robert. I bought 2 units WiFi Bee and both modules are giving the same respond.

1. In Wiki ( ... lss_module), I can't find two serial method to connect to AP. Please advise.

2. Is it compulsory to have Xbee Adapter to connect WiFi Bee to Arduino? I guess, only using Rx and Tx pin from WiFi Bee will do.

3. To connect to AP, I'm using the suggested Arduino source code as in Wiki. My connection status is fail. I tried to flash my firmware using Arduino Mega but the flasher seems unresoponding to the flashing process. And again, does the flashing requires Xbee Adapter or direct connection from WiFi Bee to Arduino Mega will do?

4. I also tried to use AT command with suggested configuration in Wiki, but still no respond from the Wifi Bee.

Need your further advise. Thanks!
userHeadPic Ramli Azwan
2018-06-06 20:22:00 Thanks for the reply Robert. I bought 2 units WiFi Bee and both modules are giving the same respond.

1. In Wiki ( ... lss_module), I can't find two serial method to connect to AP. Please advise.

2. Is it compulsory to have Xbee Adapter to connect WiFi Bee to Arduino? I guess, only using Rx and Tx pin from WiFi Bee will do.

3. To connect to AP, I'm using the suggested Arduino source code as in Wiki. My connection status is fail. I tried to flash my firmware using Arduino Mega but the flasher seems unresoponding to the flashing process. And again, does the flashing requires Xbee Adapter or direct connection from WiFi Bee to Arduino Mega will do?

4. I also tried to use AT command with suggested configuration in Wiki, but still no respond from the Wifi Bee.

Need your further advise. Thanks!
userHeadPic Ramli Azwan
2018-06-06 13:43:14 You may need to use two serials to set AP connection like the AP connection part in the wiki. userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-06-06 13:43:14 You may need to use two serials to set AP connection like the AP connection part in the wiki. userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-06-06 10:43:41 Hi.. I bought this module and tried to connect with Arduino Mega but failed to get AP connection. Tried to do firmware flashing via Arduino Mega but still, fail to do flashing. My connection is as follows:

Tx0 pin Arduino Mega > Tx pin WiFi module (I've put voltage divider in between to reduce 5V voltage out from Arduino to 3.3V)
Rx0 pin Arduino Mega > Rx pin WiFi module
3.3V pin Arduino Mega > 3.3V pin WiFi module
GND pin Arduino Mega > GND pin WiFi module

Any advise?
userHeadPic Ramli Azwan