
DFRobot DF9GMS servo control on Adafruit servo HAT

userHead fgould1234 2018-06-16 04:31:12 2573 Views1 Replies
I have attached the DF9GMS servo along with Adafruit pan/tilt servo kit to the 16 channel servo HAT on Raspberry Pi and am trying to control the motor using a modified version of this sample app (link below). The channel I set for this servo is 12. If I use pwm.set_pwm(12, 0, 1), the command turns on a continuous clockwise direction and pwm.set_pwm(12, 0, 0) stops the spin but I cannot do anything else, like change direction. ...

I looked at this tutorial code (link below) to try to duplicate it in python but was unsuccessful.

Are the any sample python code that might help me control the DF9GMS on the PCA9685?
2018-06-18 21:30:04 Is there anyone who can assist me here? userHeadPic fgould1234