
Soil moiseture sensor + Raspberry Pi

userHead Account cancelled 2018-06-17 07:10:07 4501 Views2 Replies
Hello guys, sorry i didnt find a forum for raspberry, feel free to move topic to appropriate plase if you will.
I want to use this analog-digital board to convert analog signals from soil moisture sensor to digital and
concume it in my nodejs script.
  1. Sensor:
  2. ADC board: ... Manual.pdf
  3. Raspberry Pi3
So my problem is next: i inserted extension board on top of Raspberry and installed library as
explained in user manual but executing test code
returns next:
Code: Select all
ADS1256_WaitDRDY() Time Out ...
Error, ASD1256 Chip ID = 0x0
ADS1256_WaitDRDY() Time Out ...
I think Chip ID must be assigned to some address, so having that in 0x0 makes test fail.
Also i have a little experience with sensor ( before i've used digital only) so in general don't understand where from i should read
converted signal, given that i connect sensor to VCC, GND and AD0 on left side of extension board.
Can someone point me at the right direction?
2019-04-04 17:06:34 What is the test code you use, the analog to digital conversion one? userHeadPic robert.chen