Forum >Replies by bsidhi
userhead bsidhi
Replies (2)
  • You Reply: Yes, exactly.  The ring will be one of the output devices in a network of sensor nodes.  It will be just like those coasters that you get at restaurants when they can't seat you right away.  Only mine will be better  ;D

    Better how?  Well, you could teach it to blink at you when the washing machine is finished, for example.  This will need the help of other cheap sensors scattered around the house of course.  The possibilities are endless when you bring wireless into the equation.

    You guys should make more 3.3v-friendly stuff.  That's pretty much what modern sensors run at.
  • You Reply: Already tried this with my v2 (supplied v2 with 3.3v VIN) and couldn't tell with the naked eyes that they were any dimmer.  I guess it's good enough.  I want to use these rings with the RFM12B or CC1100 radios that work at 3.3v so instead of using more resistors or logic level converter I might as well run the ring at 3.3v and be done with.  Looks like it will run at 16MHz as well which is nice.