Forum >Replies by coflynn
userhead coflynn
Replies (3)
  • You Reply: Got this back, here's the details. This was a 1.6mm thickness, 4 layer PCB. Holes were 25 mil (0.025") on 0.051" grid, down length of board. I had traces routed between almost all holes (6 mil trace with 10 mil spacing to hole required by board house).

    Without scoring, board was difficult to break apart. Here is an example of me trying without first scoring the PCB:

    Note that because I routed traces between boards the halves stay slightly attached until you bend back and forth. My intention was to first score the boards to break traces, but I wanted to check what happens if you don't.

    I've attached photos of before and after too, you can see traces rip up a bit on snapping. I had routed 'sacrificial' traces that went to vias/holes, such that if they did start to rip up they wouldn't run into the rest of the PCB! But scoring before you snap is the best choice...

  • You Reply: Will let you know - there was some discussion on the break-apart board you reference at that discusses drill spacing. Those PCBs were thinner than the normal 1.6mm too.

    For my PCB I used a wider spacing with larger holes, partially as I wanted it to be difficult to snap apart, possibly requiring you to score it first. For my PCB most of the time it won't be snapped apart (hopefully!). Mine is also a 4-layer PCB so will probably be a little different in terms of material construction.

    But will report back with general notes anyway!
  • You Reply: FWIW: I just had a board manufactured with a snap-off section (it's a dual-use board, and one of those uses requires break off a section). I'll let you know how it worked out when I get the board back (still being manufactured).

    I believe assuming you respect hole spacing along with distance from hole to trace (use DFRobot eagle file, which I think specifies 10mil), the break-off section is no different than anything else.