Forum >Replies by Merlin
userhead Merlin
Replies (2)
  • You Reply: Thank you.
    You have rigth. In fact the I2C pins of Mega Board are 20 & 21. However, I still have a question: Is it neccesary to modify the Audio Player Adress in the Sketch?
    I mean, this line should be changed:

    #define ArduinoPlayer_address 0x35  //ArduinoPlayer I2C address 0x35 (default)

    Best regards

  • You Reply: Friends
    I have solved the problem for my own, it was an issue with some names of the files in the SD card. Now the player is working, but...I have a new problem here:

    I need to play some specific sounds directly from my code, in response to some events reported by sensors.
    How may I say to the module to play the file "One.wav" for instance in Arduino code language?
    I have examined the sample code on Wiki, which runs perfectly on my module, but I can't figure pour how to invoke the module commands directly from my own code...should I have to use  TwiSend() command?
    I really apreciatte full information about this, thanks

    Best regards
