Forum >Replies by MrAlexis44600
userhead MrAlexis44600
Replies (2)
  • You Reply: Hi, some news:

    I have successfully connected my Bluetooth V3 with my computer ( as serial connection COM7), but my android is still not seeing it.
    I tried to communicate with the help of my duelaminove (using RX and TX pins and the serial monitor of the arduino IDE) but without any answer to the message "AT"

    Maybe I made a mistake somewhere....How must I wire it? I tried both:
    RX => RXD and TX to TXD or TX =>RXD and RX => TXD ?
  • You Reply: Hi hector, thank you for your help.
    It seems that mine blinks faster than the video's one when AT mode is off, and faster when AT is on.
    I still can't detect it with any of my devices.
    I will try to comunicate with it using the Red Back Spider Controler (arduino mega based board), because I can't use my duelaminove if I understood well.