Forum >Replies by ronnqvist
userhead ronnqvist
Replies (1)
  • You Reply: I'm the Simon who's message jessy posted. (I sent it privately to DFRobot, but gave them the permission to post it.)

    I made this sketch and connected a jumper wire from pin 22 on the arduino and put it straight onto pin 17 on the Wifi-module.

    [code]int pin = 22;

    void setup() {
      pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
      Serial.begin(9600); //Probably unnecessary line of code, but it happened to slip into the sketch that I used.

    void loop() {

    Before that I did try holding down the reset button, but didn't notice any effect.

    My intended project was to make a Roboshop/DFRobot Rover controllable using a mobile-browser communicating directly with a websocket-server on the Arduino. There are a couple of websocket-solutions for Arduino out there, and they seem to require Ethernet.h and maybe some other library too. I intended to try with this one apparently I should have done a bit more research before ordering the Wifi shield, I just went with the only one that was claimed to be supported by my robot.

      cheers, Simon
    PS. The Async lab Wifi shiled again is claimed not to work with the Rover (according to the manual), however someone got it working under certain conditions... see comments's some further info about that project