Forum >Replies by soundf
userhead soundf
Replies (3)
  • You Reply: [b]@y2kgrays[/b]: What method have you used to get full HTML data/pages?

    If you do [b]while ( Serial.available() > 0 )[/b] and then do read each byte with [b][/b] into a [b]String[/b] or [b]char[][/b] then it seems like you only get only 64 bytes or partial pages (increments of 64 bytes) not full pages.

    All the examples I've seen use a while loop and [b][/b], this is problematic is your JSON/XML feed is not fully downloaded.

  • You Reply: [quote="y2kgrays"]
    got it sorted as below 

    Serial.print("+"); //put in command mode

      delay( 5000 ); //hang round on command mode for a bit - no reason
      Serial.println("ATO");  // send a command to ensure back in data mode

    That's weird because I can send all [b]+[/b]s in one go with [b]Serial.print( "+++" )[/b] with flush and delay rather than [b]Serial.print( "+" )[/b] with flush and delay three times to get into command mode.

    I however get [b][ERROR][/b] when I send [b]Serial.print( "ATO" )[/b], the documentation even suggests [b]"The ATO command (terminated by the ASCII character “O”, not the number 0) is used to return to data mode."[/b]

    What version of firmware are you running? You can use [b]ATI1[/b] and [b]ATI2[/b] to check the version.
  • You Reply: @y2kgrays: I think "0x1B" and "\x1B" are the same thing, I could be wrong.

    @Ricky: thanks, I'd appreciate any help. I'll need to access more one server for data transfer so I really need to be able to switch to and from command and data mode easily and reliably.