You Reply: Its not really that much power as I had thought, did some more testing. But it does get really hot. I am thinking of getting a heatsink or something for it.
Thanks I have it working well in client mode after a firmware update.
You Reply: I got it working in client mode after a firmware update.
Is it normal for it to get so hot? Its burning hot. Using a lot of power too.
You Reply: Thanks! I didn't find the default IP anyway, I was thinking it would be DHCP and use the wiznet app to find it. Thanks so much!
You Reply: Is there more info on the Romeo? The manual doesn't cover everything. Not much about connecting servos or how the power is handled on the board. It seems like you can power the whole board from the motor power?
You Reply: Did you get this working? I ordered the kit and hope I don't run into something like this. I am going to use a lithpoly 6Ah battery from sparkrun and a step-up to power it.
You Reply: This is a great project and has helped me design my own. If you use google chrome it will translate the page for you.