Forum >Replies by ManjotSnithcarl
userhead ManjotSnithcarl
Replies (3)
  • You Reply:

    Yes, without doing anything complex, check if you are getting values from gravity sensor if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY) { System.out.println("X: " + event.values[0]); System.out.println("Y: " + event.values[1]); System.out.println("Z: " + event.values[2]); }

    How can you be not sure. If you use the snippet and get x,y, and z values then there is nothing wrong with it, the next step is the track where you omit the values. If you are a newbie, strip the code to the core and check each step. Create sensormanger, get gravity sensor from sensormanager, register it onResume and onSensorChanged check if you get the output from gravity sensor 


  • You Reply:

    BLUNO is based on the TI CC2540, which can scan for bluetooth devices if flashed with custom firmware. I am not aware of any custom firmware that is designed to send beacon scan results from the BLUNO, but in theory it should be possible if you are willing to dig down deep and write your own firmware.

    RedBear Labs has a couple of decent firmware examples for the CC2540 including ones that do scanning:



    See here for how to flash custom firmware on the CC2540 using BLUNO:

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  • You Reply:

    You can use an arduino as a USB to serial with a simple sketch without trying to remove the chip.


    Basically arduino connect to computer as a USB to Serial Converter. So whatever you write to that serial port from your computer can be read from arduinos hardware Serial port. Whatever you write to hardwareserial port from arduino can be read from computer.


    Use software serial library to setup another pair of pins as a 2nd serial port (you don't even have to do this if you are using a Mega as mega got 4 hardware serial ports.) And your sketch must simply read from hardware serial and write to software serial and vice versa.