Hello Again,
Do I use PWM or just GPIO peripherals for this device/driver? I think I have not fully understood how to interpret the electrical of it.
P.S. Please reply when you find time. I look here: TB6600_Stepper_Motor_Driver_SKU__DRI0043-DFRobot . What I find is a 5v logic board from DFRobot and two PWM channels and one GPIO but when I look in the source for the driver for the Arduino sketch, I think all three inputs to the driver are GPIO.
Is it that I need I/O or just output from the board to the TB6600?
Okay. I finally figured out everything…
W/ gpiod…I was using it incorrectly.
W/ my lib, I was using it incorrectly. Everything works. Sorry to bother you guys/gals.
Okay…the machine moves in one linear way but does not return to it previous position and cannot turn back. I think I have the hardware right.
Two PWM channels and one GPIO channel but I guess I am at a loss right now as to how to change the direction of the motion w/ the controller.
Okay…I got it.
Thank you for being okay w/ me venturing into this forum.
I have no clue as to what chip is being used w/in this Motor Driver. I see the functions on it:
1. Enable or PWR/GND +/-2. Direction or GPIO +/-3. Pulse or PWM +/-
I think number 1. is PWR and GND and not GPIO but I am not sure.
2. should be a GPIO in my mind but it could be another technology. I see two PWM peripherals being used and one, I guess it is, GPIO…
3. Pulse has to be PWM in my thoughts…
I little guidance would be nice…I have this driver that is already written up for it but I cannot access the motor driver yet.
I am not sure if it is a permissions issue w/ Linux right now or the wiring for the connections.
P.S. If you have time, I would like your ideas on this effort I am approaching.
https://wiki.dfrobot.com/TB6600_Stepper_Motor_Driver_SKU__DRI0043 is the site I am looking over that makes me think the input voltage signal can be 3.3v…