This GPS Receiver is Discontinued Now, We recommend other best selling GPS Sensor as a suitable replacement. GPS receivers can be easily found in daily life, such as smartphones, cars, and tablets. They are used to track the loaction all over the globe.
This GPS Receiver for Arduino is a unit which embeds a GPS module and an antenna in a small foot-print enclosure. By using TinyGPS library, Arduino can retrieve geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude, altitude), speed, heading and GMT time directly.
The update rate is an important performance index of a GPS receiver. Most GPS in mobile phones provide an update rate of 1Hz, which means, only one set of data can be retrieved in one second. This GPS receiver has an update rate of 5Hz, which means the data interval is greatly reduced and thus can be very useful in more demanding applications (e.g. on fast-moving vehicles).
Note: The new batch GPS mode changes its manufacturer Baudrate from 38400 to 115200 bps, you can refer to 《
U-Blox Parameter Setting Protocol》 for the further setting.
Pin Definition
- Black: RxD
- White: TxD
- Red: VCC
- Black (thick): GND