Our newly upgraded 4WD MiniQ mobile platform is especially designed for education/learning purposes. It comes fully assembled and all your need is a PC with Arduino IDE and 4xAA battery. This alternative version of MiniQ 4WD robot provides higher ground clearance (25mm instead of 9mm), bigger approach angle and improved off-road capability in complex terrains. The mobile robot comes with Arduino Leonardo controller (ATmega32u4) and also integrates modules such as RGB LED, photosensitive diode, infrared trasmitters, infrared receivers, light sensors, additional buttons and buzzer.
Along with this upgraded MiniQ 4WD kit, we offer 8 lessons for beginners, from entry-level to line-following, obstacle avoidance, and remote control. Users can easily grasp through the tutorial. All codings and tutorials are open and free to download.
Lesson Lists:
lesson1. Get to Know Your Robot
lesson2. Control Buzzer
lesson3. Light Direction Indication
lesson4. Line_following
lesson5. RGB LED
lesson6. Obstacle Avoidance
lesson7. Encoder
lesson8. IR Remote Control
Note for Lesson4: Since the line tracking sensors were removed, this lesson is not available actually. If you want to use this feature, please buy the kit 4WD MiniQ Complete Kit V2.0.)