The ESP32-WROOM-32D is a WiFi & Bluetooth dual-mode dual-core wireless communication module launched by Espressif Systems.It has a dual-core 32-bit MCU, which integrates WiFi HT40 and Bluetooth/BLE 4.2 technology inside.
ESP32 chip (ESP wroom 32) integrates a wealth of hardware peripherals, including capacitive touch sensors, Hall sensors, low noise sensor amplifiers, SD card interfaces, Ethernet interfaces, high-speed SDIO / SPI, UART, I2S and I2C, etc.
Support Arduino Programming
Engineered for mobile devices,wearable electronics and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, the ESP32 wroom 32 achieves ultra-low power consumption with a combination of several proprietary software applications. The state-of-the-art power saving features include fine resolution clock gating, power modes, and dynamic power scaling.
Arduino IDE + Minimal HW Setup for ESP32-WROOM-32D
Revisión módulo wifi Bee de Dfrobot, encendiendo 12 led por wifi
ESP32 Arduino Tutorials List:
Arduino IDE for Building Compiling Environment of ESP32
FireBeetle Board-ESP32 Projects - Let your cigarette lighter wearable
How to Make a Low-Power-Consumption Fruit Battery By Use Of A Firebeetle Board-ESP32
ESP32 Tutorial: MicroPython support
How to Make a Smart Colorful Light Based On FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Parsing JSON
FireBeetle Board-ESP32 Tutorials: Reforming a Small electric Fan
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Encoding JSON
Application Tutorials of FireBeetle Board - ESP32 BLE: Smarten a Plugboard
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: HTTP GET Requests
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: Automatic connection to WiFi
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Using SHA-256
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython: HTTP POST Requests
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Executing scripts with uPyCraft
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Getting started with the uPyCraft IDE
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: Working with lists
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: Lambda functions
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: Applying filter function to lists
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: Working with dictionaries
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: Applying map function to lists
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Changing the HTTP response content-type of Picoweb route
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: HTTP Webserver with Picoweb
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: FreeRTOS queues performance test
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Serving HTML from the file system in Picoweb
ESP32 Picoweb Tutorial: Obtaining the HTTP Method of the request
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Developing a simple URL query string parser
ESP32 Picoweb: Changing the returned HTTP code
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: String split method
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Passing arguments to a thread function
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Timer interrupts
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Getting the query parameters on a Picoweb app
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: Creating a thread
ESP32 Arduino tutorial: Websocket server over soft AP
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Websocket server
ESP32 Tutorial (Arduino Websocket server): Receiving and parsing JSON content
ESP32 MicroPython Tutorial: External interrupts
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Asynchronous HTTP webserver
ESP32 RFID Tutorial: Printing the MFRC522 firmware version
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Websocket client
ESP32 Arduino SSD1306 OLED: Redrawing a string
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Software reset
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Interacting with a SSD1306 OLED display
ESP32 / ESP8266 Arduino: Serial communication with Python
ESP32 Arduino SSD1306 OLED: Drawing a QR Code
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Base64 enconding
ESP32 Arduino async HTTP server: Serving a HTML page from PROGMEM
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial async HTTP server: Serving HTML
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial HTTP server: Running multiple server instances
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial HTTP server: Getting query parameters
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Random Number Generation
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Getting the Free Heap
ESP-WROOM-32 Tutorial: Uploading a program with Arduino IDE
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: External interrupts
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Using the pthreads library
ESP32 Tutorial Getting started with the aREST library
ESP32 Arduino HTTP server: external and internal redirects
ESP32 Tutorial: ESP32 Arduino HTTP server: route not found handling
ESP32 Arduino: HTTP server over soft AP
ESP8266 Arduino Tutorial: Software restart
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Basic Authentication
ESP32 Arduino async server Tutorial: Controlling HTTP methods allowed
ESP32 Arduino HTTP Server: Serving HTML and JavaScript
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Serial communication over Bluetooth Hello World
ESP32 Arduino Bluetooth Classic: Setting the device name
ESP32 Arduino Bluetooth over Serial: Receiving data
ESP32 Arduino: Getting the Bluetooth Device Address
ESP32 HTTP server: Multiple methods allowed on same route
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Variable length arrays
ESP32 Arduino web server: getting client IP
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Controlling a relay
ESP32 Arduino: Using structs as items in FreeRTOS queues
Mongoose OS on ESPer/Bare ESP32
ESP32 Arduino: Encryption using AES-128 in ECB mode
ESP32 Arduino: Getting temperature from a DHT22 sensor
ESP32 Arduino Bluetooth: Finding the device with Python
ESP32 / ESP8266 Arduino: Initializer list
ESP32 / ESP8266 Arduino: Bitwise shift operators
ESP32 / ESP8266 Tutorial: Class constructors
ESP32 Arduino web server: Get free heap and reset device remotely
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Getting weather data from API
ESP32 / ESP8266 Arduino Tutorial: Using structs
ESP32 / ESP8266 Arduino: The typedef keyword
ESP32 Espruino: convert number to string in different bases
ESP32 Arduino: Applying the HMAC SHA-256 mechanism
ESP32 Espruino Tutorial: Array every method
ESP32 Espruino Tutorial: Creating simple JavaScript objects
ESP32 Espruino: Array map method
ESP32 Espruino Tutorial: Applying the SHA1 hash algorithm
ESP32 Espruino Tutorial: Scanning WiFi Networks
ESP32 Picoweb Tutorial: Serving JSON content
ESP32 / ESP8266 Arduino: The auto keyword
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Communication between tasks using FreeRTOS queues
ESP32 / ESP8366 Arduino: Creating a simple class
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: FreeRTOS Queues
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Getting available messages and free spaces of FreeRTOS queue
ESP32 IDF Tutorial: Setting a soft AP
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Inserting in front and back of FreeRTOS queues
ESP32 Arduino tutorial: Internal Hall sensor measurements
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Setting a soft AP
ESP32 Bluetooth Tutorial: Receiving data through RFCOMM
ESP32 Bluetooth tutorial: Advertising a SPP service with SDP
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: HTTP POST Requests to Bottle application
ESP32 Bluetooth Tutorial: Finding the device with Python and BTStack
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Controlling a buzzer with PWM
ESP32 Bluetooth Tutorial: Using the BTstack library
FireBeetle ESP32 Tutorial: Blinking the on board LED
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Getting started with WiFi
FireBeetle ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Hello World
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: LED PWM fading
ESP32 Arduino tutorial: Getting humidity measurements from a DHT22 sensor
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: Running a script from the file system
ESP32 Arduino: DHT22 Minimum Sampling Period
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: Uploading files to the file system
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: Writing a file
ESP32 / ESP8266 MicroPython Tutorial: Reading a file
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Setting a socket server
ESP32 Arduino: Using an infrared CO2 sensor
ESP32 Arduino: Getting the SDK version
ESP32 Socket Server: Connecting from a Putty socket Client
ESP32 Arduino: Temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration web server
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Decrypt AES-128 in ECB mode
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Sending data with socket client
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial Socket server: Getting remote client IP
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial mbed TLS: using the SHA-256 algorithm
ESP32 Espruino Tutorial: Listing property names of objects
ESP32 Espruino Tutorial: Converting an object to a JSON string
ESP32 Espruino Tutorial: Deserializing JSON
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Obtaining MAC address of stations connected to soft AP
ESP32 Espruino Tutorial: Get SDK version, free heap and software reset
ESP32 Espruino Tutorial: Adding properties to previously created object
ESP32 / ESP8266 Arduino Tutorial: Bitwise AND operator
ESP32 Espruino DHT22 Tutorial: Getting temperature and humidity
ESP32 / ESP8266 Arduino Tutorial: Conditional operator
Make an HTTP request to get weather info with Zerynth
ESP32 JavaScript Espruino Tutorial: String interpolation
Raspberry Pi Flask Tutorial: Receiving HTTP GET Request from ESP32
Raspberry Pi 3 Flask Tutorial: Receiving HTTP POST Request from ESP32
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: PIR motion sensor
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: PIR motion sensor and interrupts
ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Alarm with PIR motion sensor and buzzer