When building a project that needs to transmit some simple signals wirelessly, have you been bothered by the any of the following problems: Bluetooth's cumbersome AT command configuration and high cost, Wifi's signal limitations and high power consumption, IR emission angle and inability to penetrate through the walls.
This Gravity: Digital Wireless Swtich might be just what you need! Based on 433Mhz RF communication technology, the module includes a transmitter and receiver and features the advantages of simple operation,strong penetration, and ultra-low standby power consumption. It is able to transmit digital signals and compatible with any controller that can read and write digital signals. These modules are used on a wide variety of applications that require wireless control, such as, remote control, wireless doorbell, wireless signal transmission, upgrading wired buttons to wireless buttons, etc.
Note: The transmitter module and the receiver module each ship with 1 Gravity: digital sensor cable by default. If you need more, please purchase separately (FIT0011)
433MHz is a certification-free frequency band in most parts of the world, please pay attention to local policies and laws and regulations when using it
Board Overview
Jan 17, 2023
I am so glad DFRobot makes these units, it works extremely well in my condo for remote notifications. Have had no issues with reliability in signal in a multi level home!