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OpenMV Cam RT1060 is a compact, low-power microcontroller board with camera, facilitates the seamless implementation of real-world applications using machine vision. Programming of the OpenMV Cam is accomplished through high-level Python scripts, courtesy of the MicroPython Operating System, as opposed to C/C++. This approach simplifies the handling of complex outputs from machine vision algorithms and the manipulation of high-level data structures. Despite this, total control over the OpenMV Cam and its I/O pins remains within reach through Python. Triggering of picture-taking and video recording based on external events is straightforward, as is the execution of machine vision algorithms to manage I/O pin control.
Pinout of OpenMV Cam
The RT1062 ARM Cortex M7 processor running at 600 MHz with 32MBs SDRAM + 1MB of SRAM and 16 MB of program/storage flash. All I/O pins output 3.3V and are 3.3V tolerant. The processor has the following I/O interfaces:
A removable camera module system allowing the OpenMV Cam RT1062 to interface with different sensors:
A LiPo battery connector compatible with 3.7V LiPo batteries commonly sold online for hobbyist robotic applications with battery charging support via USB
An ARM 10-pin JTAG Header Compatible with SEGGER J-Link Devices for debugging and programming
External 5V VIN with reverse supply protection