USBtinyISP - Arduino Bootloader Programmer

SKU: DFR0116
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This is a USB AVR programmer supported by offical Arduino IDE. Once the Arduino has lost its bootloader for some reasons, use this programmer to reburn the bootloader and save the dead Arduino.

This programmer works really well for ATmega168 and ATmega328 and should work with all the AVR micros supported by AVRDUDE.  Both 10-pin and 6-pin targets supported (cable included) which makes the progrmmer suitable for most AVR boards.

This programmer is based on  USBtiny code & design Version 2.0

The Kit comes with both 6-pin and 10-pin AVR-standard connectors and cables.


Product Update Log

  • 2011/08/23 : The  Verion 1 has  identified that 10 PIN IDC has incorrect MISO and  MOSI Pin out.    It will be fixed in version V1.1 
  • V3 hardware revision has a board layout update increasing usability. Compatible with older versions.


Shipping List

  • USBTinyISP Module  x1
  • 6 Pin Cable   x1
  • 10 Pin Calbe  x1

USBtinyISP - Arduino Bootloader Programmer