Cheapduino (5PCS) (Discontinued)

SKU: DFR0236


This product has been retired from our catalog and is no longer for sale. This page is made available for those looking for specification and documents.


Note: Cheapduino (5Pcs) is discontinued now, we recommend Arduino Uno Rev 3 as a suitable replacement.
CheapDuino is the most affordable Arduino compatible processor in the world. The price for each cheapDuino is almost 1/5 price of the Arduino UNO R3. It aims to provide an extremely low-cost solution for any disposable projects, such as DIY projects, workshop, gifts projects, E-Textiles and education. For those students from second or third world countries who can not afford the official Arduino, cheapduino opens the door to the physical world.
The cheapDuino is integratd with an ATmega8 microcontroller and Arduino NG. They enable cheapDuino to program it directly with Arduino IDE via the FTDI programmer or USB Serial Light Adapter. The cheapDuino is powerful in compact size, which is only 2cm x 2cm dimension. 
Although the cheapduino has extremely low price tag, we do spend lots of time to complete its applicability. The processor has 3 pwm digital pins, 3 analog pins and power supply interface with hexagonal pads around the board, which make it really easy to solder for the beginners. Of course, the I2C interface and serial port is also available to extend the 2 wire peripheral devices directly. The adoptation of micro FPC connector saves extra space compared with regular Arduino USB interface. "Cheapduino - Not just cheap"   

The picture aside shows a simple temperature display application based on cheapDuino, Arduino LCD Display Module and temperature sensor.
So just pick one up, get started to control your physical world with cheapDuino now.

This product was awarded the Editor’s Choice at Maker Faire Bay Area 2015.

Visualizar gráfica cardíaca en smartphone con cheapduino y sensor de pulsos



  • Working voltage: 3~5 volts
  • Recommended power supply: 5v
  • Microctonroller: Atmel AVR ATmega8
  • bootloader(Board option in Arduino IDE): Arduino NG / w ATmega8
  • 3 digital pins, 3 analog pins with easy-to-solder hexagonal pads
  • Integrate 3 pwm pins,I2C interface and UART interface
  • Suitable for workshop,education usage,DIY or compact size projects and E-Textiles
  • Low cost Arduino compatible controller
  • Dimensions: 2cm x 2cm x 0.2cm(0.78x0.78x0.08")

Shipping List

  • CheapDuino x5
  • DFRobot standard 10p fpc programming cable  x2
  • FPC programmer adapter  x1


Visualize Cardiac Graphics on Smartphone With Cheapduino and Pulse Sensor

Projects Visualize Cardiac Graphics on Smartphone With Cheapduino and Pulse Sensor

Jul 30, 2021


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