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WiFI control for Bluno/Romeo

userHead coreyjohnson75 2018-07-15 23:24:17 4089 Views3 Replies
I would like to control the Romeo via wifi. I have several Raspberry Pi I could use. Is there a way to interface? BLE is not suitable for my final application as I want to control from off-site.
2018-08-05 06:19:41 As of now I have added a Pi3 B+ that serves a webpage and then sends the commands over serial to the Romeo. I was able to figure out 5 servos.
I would like to power the Pi 3 from the 5V pin on the Romeo. What is the max current the 5V power out pin?
userHeadPic coreyjohnson75
2018-08-02 11:59:55 To control through WiFi, You need to use a wifi module to receive or transmit the signal. userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-07-16 00:16:06 I really like the features of the Bluno/Romeo but need wifi, the ability to drive 2 motors, and at least 8 servos. Basically I have a Devastator with pan/tilt camera, and 5 DOF robot hand. I want them all to controlled via wifi/web page and maybe Android app. userHeadPic coreyjohnson75