
stronger replacement motors for ROB0003 4wd kit

userHead Notoyota 2012-03-26 19:42:57 5997 Views6 Replies
Hi, i have the ROB0003 4wd kit, which is nice, but i dont like the motors.
For me they are not strong enough, and the kit can hardly turn unless the batteries are really fresh.
Also, because they are only screwed down with two screws, they tend to bend, which also makes taking turns more difficult.
So, i was wondering if there are stronger motors available anywhere, that are compatible size-wise.
I use it with Dagu's Wild Thumper controller, so current isn't really an issue, but size is!
I also have the wheel encoders, but unfortunately they don't fit in this kit, which is told here, but not on the Dutch website I ordered the products from. :(
2023-10-09 21:17:27

I think you will need to improvise the chassis a lot if you want to change the motors.

userHeadPic lia.ifat
2023-10-09 20:35:28

Hi DFRobot Team, the kit chassis mechanical is super, however the four motors are very bad, weak and useless. You should not continue to propose this product to your customers. I love DFRobot products but I'm deeply disappointed by this kit ! Thanks, Julien 

userHeadPic julienn
2012-03-29 10:26:03 Hi Notoyota,

Those motors look like they would fit. I'm not sure how much more of an improvement they would provide. If you decide to test them, please let us know your results.

userHeadPic Hector
2012-03-27 11:52:54 thanks for your replies.
As i have said, I use the Wild Thumper motor driver, i don't know if it supports PLL mode. I was using the 2A dual motor controller before that.
Do you think motors/gearboxes like this would be compatible? [url=][/url]
Also, do you think that using another batteries, like lipos would give better performance?
And i still don't see how I can mount the current motors better so they are more straight and better fixed.

Thanks again.
userHeadPic Notoyota
2012-03-27 11:24:06 Another way is to change the control mode.  If you happen to have our Romeo or 2A motor shield, you can try to use PLL control mode which will give u much better performance.

userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2012-03-27 10:19:20 Hi Notoyota,

At the moment we do not have stronger motors for this kit. We will take your suggestion into consideration and try to offer stronger motors in the future as an upgrade kit. We have some stronger DC motors here in the office but they are not compatible with the kit, it requires considerable modification, like drilling extra holes and changing the tires to a different set that can be mounted on the motors.

We will look for a way to make this an easy upgrade kit.
userHeadPic Hector