
Bosch BME680 Gravity

userHead goncalosantosmarques 2018-08-28 23:46:53 1692 Views2 Replies
I'm using the BME680 on an ESP8266 (FireBeetle) driven by the IAQ_I2C sketch out of the repo here.
The ESP8266 is monitored by serial communication. Approx 1 hour the BME is communicating with the ESP which I can see in the serial commuincation. After that, there is no communication by the BME680 to the ESP, but the ESP is still alive.

Can you help me?

This is a big issue on the lib. thanks a lot
2018-09-04 06:46:57 I continue with the same problem :( userHeadPic goncalosantosmarques
2018-08-29 11:20:19 HI.i
According to your description of the problem, I want to look at the wiki about I2C BME680 Environmental Sensor ... U:_SEN0248 , In order to help you better,I hope you can provide more information, code and wiring about you project. hope help you .
userHeadPic makermuyi