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Design rules etc.

userHead graynomad 2012-08-19 15:33:02 23461 Views8 Replies
I have four questions.

1) Do you have a list of design rules, min annular/track/space/hole etc?

2) Can you do castellated vias, that is vias placed right on the board edge (actually 50% off the board) such that half of the via is trimmed by the routing to leave a contact that allows the PCB to be soldered to another like an SMD component.

3) Can you accept Altium files?

4) Will you ship to a PO box in Australia?

2019-11-30 23:41:59 Thanks for motion. great help userHeadPic viratkhanna9999
2015-11-09 23:25:49 Hi Oliver,

Sorry for the late reply:

The minimum track width: 6 mil
The minimum gap between tracks: 6mil

I am not sure what do you mean of the via hole and pad?
I guess they are:
The smallest bore diameter, via hole: 0.3mm
The smallest outside diameter, via hole: 0.6mm

Let me know if you have any question!
userHeadPic Leff
2015-11-06 02:14:12 Hi

I have to instruct a lot of students on how to produce a high frequency PCB (on FR4 yes I know) using AWR to be manufactured at DFRobots; part of these instructions are the manufacturing limitations. They need these limitations before they start their work so a DRC file is of no use to me.
Some of this information is already on earlier posts but not all so could you please supply me with the following?

The minimum track width
The minimum gap between tracks
The smallest via hole
The smallest via pad

Thank you very much for your time.

userHeadPic Oliver Mark
2013-02-04 22:08:31
ianlee74 wrote:
Lauren wrote:1) min track:6mil  min Drill:12mil

Lauren, the Eagle .dru file appears to enforce a min track width of 10 mil.  Can you please update the .dru file if 6mil is indeed the min.  Thanks!

I just checked the design rule uploaded on our website. Both of the setting for the clearance and size of min width wire should be correct. They're 6 mil.... Could you please be kind to tell me where do you download the dru file?
userHeadPic Lauren
2013-02-04 21:44:47 Hi,

Thanks for your suggestion! I will update it soon!  ;D

userHeadPic Lauren
2013-02-03 22:25:16
Lauren wrote:1) min track:6mil  min Drill:12mil

Lauren, the Eagle .dru file appears to enforce a min track width of 10 mil.  Can you please update the .dru file if 6mil is indeed the min.  Thanks!
userHeadPic ianlee74
2012-08-21 16:29:02 Thanks, I'll continue with the design then and submit it for a price.

userHeadPic graynomad
2012-08-21 01:28:06 Hi,

1) min track:6mil  min Drill:12mil

2) We could manufacture the boards with the castellated vias. But the price will be a little expansive. You may need to pay extra.

3) We could directly support the altium files.

4) Yes.

userHeadPic Lauren