
SEN0205/FS‐IR02 Sensor for beer brewing boil-over detection

userHead Account cancelled 2018-12-30 07:34:31 1811 Views1 Replies
I'm developing a system to prevent boil-overs when brewing beer.

A critical stage in brewing beer is to boil the wort with hops for an hour or two.

A lot of foam is generated when the wort starts to boil and it can be so excessive that a lot of wort is lost by overflowing the boil pot (kettle) and a huge sticky mess is created. The brewer has to stand-by to adjust the burner to prevent this from happening - and often fails.

I want to detect the presence of the boiling foam and reduce the heat when detected. I want to do this fully automatically but I need some sort of sensor to detect the presence of excessive foam. I'm thinking about mounting a SEN0205 sensor near the top of the brewpot to make appropriate adjustment to the burner when foam makes contact with it.

I have a few questions I hope someone can help me with:

Will the SEN0205 detect the foam?
Will it withstand the boiling temperature?
Is there a better option (conductance, capacitance, ultrasonics, etc.)?

Thanks for any advice.
2019-01-02 15:08:15 The sensor is contacted sensor, which means you need to drill a hole to put the sensor, so you need to use a non-contact sensor userHeadPic robert.chen