
need helpwith a pid control at a home care robot

userHead Account cancelled 2019-02-05 23:50:33 4914 Views0 Replies
hi at all, actually i´m working with the HCR Mobile Robot Platform from DFRobot with an Arduino Romeo. ... gKOcPD_BwE

To control the robot in one way i found the following example:

//The sample code for driving one way motor encoder
#include <PID_v1.h>
const byte encoder0pinA = 2;//A pin -> the interrupt pin 0
const byte encoder0pinB = 3;//B pin -> the digital pin 3
int E_left =5; //The enabling of L298PDC motor driver board connection to the digital interface port 5
int M_left =4; //The enabling of L298PDC motor driver board connection to the digital interface port 4
byte encoder0PinALast;
double duration,abs_duration;//the number of the pulses
boolean Direction;//the rotation direction
boolean result;

double val_output;//Power supplied to the motor PWM value.
double Setpoint;
double Kp=0.6, Ki=5, Kd=0;
PID myPID(&abs_duration, &val_output, &Setpoint, Kp, Ki, Kd, DIRECT);

void setup()
Serial.begin(9600);//Initialize the serial port
pinMode(M_left, OUTPUT); //L298P Control port settings DC motor driver board for the output mode
pinMode(E_left, OUTPUT);
Setpoint =80; //Set the output value of the PID
myPID.SetMode(AUTOMATIC);//PID is set to automatic mode
myPID.SetSampleTime(100);//Set PID sampling frequency is 100ms
EncoderInit();//Initialize the module

void loop()
advance();//Motor Forward
result=myPID.Compute();//PID conversion is complete and returns 1
Serial.print("Pluse: ");
duration = 0; //Count clear, wait for the next count


void EncoderInit()
Direction = true;//default -> Forward
attachInterrupt(0, wheelSpeed, CHANGE);

void wheelSpeed()
int Lstate = digitalRead(encoder0pinA);
if((encoder0PinALast == LOW) && Lstate==HIGH)
int val = digitalRead(encoder0pinB);
if(val == LOW && Direction)
Direction = false; //Reverse
else if(val == HIGH && !Direction)
Direction = true; //Forward
encoder0PinALast = Lstate;

if(!Direction) duration++;
else duration--;

void advance()//Motor Forward
void back()//Motor reverse

void Stop()//Motor stops
digitalWrite(E_left, LOW);

my problem is, that i want to control the robot not only in one way, rather in two. so i want to switch between function "advance()", "reverse()" and "stop()", maybe with a switch-case instruction.

I tried, too, but the regulation does not work as soon as I try it this way:

void loop()

if (Serial.available()){

if (x =='1'){
advance();//Motor Forward
result=myPID.Compute();//PID conversion is complete and returns 1
Serial.print("Pluse: ");
duration = 0; //Count clear, wait for the next count
if (x =='2'){
reverse();//Motor Backyard
result=myPID.Compute();//PID conversion is complete and returns 1
Serial.print("Pluse: ");
duration = 0; //Count clear, wait for the next count


Please help!