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Firebeetle ESP32 and Lora shield: power consumption in deep sleep

userHead brettbeeson 2019-05-05 20:51:18 12178 Views6 Replies
Hi! I have a Firebeetle 32 and Lora Radio 433MHz. This works well out of the box. I'm currently testing deep sleep power consumption (esp_deep_sleep_start()). This is important for battery operation.

Without the LoRa board, I get 10uA as expected, in deep sleep.

With the LoRa board attached (ie. stacked on top), I get 20000uA (2mA) in deep sleep. This occurs even if I don't use lora in the code (i.e. no lora.init()).

I've tried esp_deep_sleep_pd_config(ESP_PD_DOMAIN_RTC_PERIPH, ESP_PD_OPTION_OFF); to ensure peripherals are off. I've removed the jumpers on the lora board (D4->CS, D2->RESET). No luck here.

This can be reproduced by:
1. Stack Lora board on FireBeetle
2. Power with a battery via JST. Run power through a multi-meter to get current.
3. Use the "Simple Deep Sleep with Timer Wake Up" example in Arduino IDE.

How can I configure things to achieve 10uA consumption with the lora board attached?
2019-05-21 08:00:40 Any update on this? userHeadPic brettbeeson
2019-05-08 19:12:31 Thanks for the link. I've tried this and got the same results. Even after:
Code: Select all
lora.sleep(); // Enter low power consumption
power consumption is 40mA. Entering ESP.deepsleep() after this:
Code: Select all
lora.sleep(); // Enter low power consumption
ESP.deepsleep(10 * 1000000) // 10s deep sleep 
uses 2mA, instead of 11uA.

(The advertised consumption is 10uA for the firebeetle ESP32 and "<1uA in sleep mode" for the lora board, so I expected about 11uA.)

How can I achieve the advertised consumption? Can you confirm you have tested the consumption yourself?
userHeadPic brettbeeson
2019-05-06 17:37:27 Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, this doesn't solve the initial problem. To restate:
[*]Running the example code on the board alone (no shield) consumes 10uA. This is good.
[*]Running the example code on the board with LoRa shield attached consumes 2mA. This is bad!

The LoRa board appears to consume power in deep_sleep even when never used (i.e. no lora.init()).

The example code (as per your reference) as used:
Code: Select all
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
ESP.deepSleep(5000000);     // *** Firebettle consumes 10uA alone, or 2mA with a LoRa shield
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
userHeadPic brettbeeson