
skuTEL0124 sim7600 arduino shield not responding to AT command correctly

userHead richard.sutton 2019-07-04 08:41:44 6228 Views4 Replies
I have recently tried to use this board following steps outlined in the dfrobot product wiki.
i currently have it plugged into a uno wifi rev 2 arduino controller board.
when i type in the AT command i get rubbish characters similar to what you might get form having incorrect baud rate settings. i am using 115200 as specified in the code on the wiki. i have set the baud rate on the arduino ide serial monitor to the same and i have set the com port baud rate to the same in device manager. i am using a fresh install of arduino ide (v1.8.9) on a windows 7 machine. i have the rx/tx jumpers set to 0/1 (rx-0 tx-1) as per this particular board. (no other jumpers in place). i have set the rx/tx to the same in the code.
As per the wiki it says to connect the shield to the arduino and then upload code. i am wondering if the firmware in the sim7600 shield might have been corrupted from this process, ie should the wiki say that code should by uploaded to the arduino before connecting to the shield?. if this is what has happened can i rectify it. if this isnt the problem are there any suggestions as to what it might be.
as a secondary thought- is the wifi part of the uno getting confused by the at commands or is this not relevant.
the blue light is on steady then flashes rapidly as it find s a network i presume.
hope someone can help
2019-07-24 09:02:27 ok so i corrected my original process by changing the jumpers back to rx/tx=pin 7/8 and connection was made. however any thing after typing in the AT command and getting the ok response is responded to with the same out of sync rubbish for example: i type in AT and i get the ok response (though sometimes i get the AT response plus two other rubbish characters) then i type in AT+cgps=1 and i get a rubbish response(some times i get an OK). if i push on and assume the rubbish response was an OK, and i then type in AT+CGPSINFO i get a longer rubbish response, which i assume was the actual gps data. if i then take your advice and try i couple of times to allow the "self adapting baud rate" to do its thing by typing A/ i get the same length of response in the same pattern but the characters change ie. sometimes there is a cluster of small boxes that change into commas.
additionally if i call the device from another phone i get the response

rint(little box, little box)

r(rubbish character)n (little box)

(a row of four rubbish characters)

then somtimes i get
but somtimes i get
(a row of rubbish characters)
by rubbish characters i mean not alpha numeric characters. i have tried using a serial port monitor with all the baud rate configurations all the data/ stop bit/ parity/ flow control configurations. it still seems something is out of sync somewhere somehow. is there a clock type setting? are there drivers for the sim7600 i need to install? as i seem to be the only one with this problem is there a way i can test if this board is faulty or reflash firmware or bootloader or.... i don't know what else to try
userHeadPic richard.sutton