Forum >GPS GPRS sim908

GPS GPRS sim908

userHead arnaud.primoguet 2016-01-22 11:06:33 1895 Views3 Replies

I am using a arduino mega 2560and a shield sim908
I am searching a program to find my location and send to a website to see with google map

1) Find My location
2)Send to a website to see with google map

Thank you very much
2016-01-26 01:32:21 Hi there,

Are you trying to do something similar to this? ... /?ALLSTEPS
userHeadPic Maht
2016-01-23 11:34:56 thank you

But i don't want too send a message and receive the location i only want to see in the website Can you help me please
userHeadPic arnaud.primoguet
2016-01-22 18:46:31 Hi,

There is a tutorial for that.

You need to setup your own server on a public domain though, if you really need to get it working. Amazon offers a trail period for free.
userHeadPic Xia Rex