Forum >GPS-GPRS-GSM-Shield-V3.0 with Arduino MEGA 2560 (GPS problem)

GPS-GPRS-GSM-Shield-V3.0 with Arduino MEGA 2560 (GPS problem)

userHead timmytiang 2014-06-28 05:12:54 11377 Views17 Replies
I facing problem on "How to drive the GPS Mode via Arduino board". I follow the coding from wiki but it is not working. If I using arduino UNO board its work, when i change to arduino MEGA board its not working. The serial monitor only can print until the "Lat:", after that it like hag d.

Then I try to remove the code for "latitute();", it work for the "lat_dir();" but not working for "longitude();" also... same thing to the "altitude();". In my arduino UNO board, normally it will show "inf" but in my arduino MEGA board it show nothing and look like hag d.

How to solve this problem?
2014-12-17 09:04:58 Hi Grey,

No, I do have external GPS antenna.
Yeap, I connected it with my PC when I testing GPS at outdoor too, so that can view the response of serial monitor.

userHeadPic JJ
2014-12-17 09:04:58 Hi Grey,

No, I do have external GPS antenna.
Yeap, I connected it with my PC when I testing GPS at outdoor too, so that can view the response of serial monitor.

userHeadPic JJ
2014-12-17 06:49:48 Yeah, you're right. The NMEA data is still not O.K.
Do you have an external GPS antenna? Form your screenshot. The module is trying to contact with the satellite, but it is failed. it send back the fault data.

How do you get the data information? You take the module with a PC?  To receive the data?
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-17 06:49:48 Yeah, you're right. The NMEA data is still not O.K.
Do you have an external GPS antenna? Form your screenshot. The module is trying to contact with the satellite, but it is failed. it send back the fault data.

How do you get the data information? You take the module with a PC?  To receive the data?
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-16 10:12:18 Hi Grey,

Is so okay :),I had turned the switch to GPS side.

"How to drive the GPS Mode via USB port",
I have been switch to GPS.By follow the steps
1. Turn the S1 switch to the Prog(right side)
  2. Turn the S2 switch to the USB side(left side)
3. Set the UART select switch to middle one.
4. Upload the sketch to the Arduino board(Make sure turn off other Serial monitor )
5. Turn the S1 switch to the comm(left side)     
6. RST the board until the START led is on
1 Turn the UART switch to GSM side
2 Input 4 AT command
Send:AT+CGPSIPR=9600 (set the baud rate)
Send:AT+CGPSPWR=1 ?turn on GPS power supply?
Send:AT+CGPSRST=1 ?reset GPS in autonomy mode?

i tested at indoor, then when I walked outdoor (no so far away),
it shows me same results as indoor.:-\

I using a 9V panasonic battery for outdoor testing, it ran out fast. We must have a portable re-chargeable battery right?

Thanks reply.=)

userHeadPic JJ
2014-12-16 10:12:18 Hi Grey,

Is so okay :),I had turned the switch to GPS side.

"How to drive the GPS Mode via USB port",
I have been switch to GPS.By follow the steps
1. Turn the S1 switch to the Prog(right side)
  2. Turn the S2 switch to the USB side(left side)
3. Set the UART select switch to middle one.
4. Upload the sketch to the Arduino board(Make sure turn off other Serial monitor )
5. Turn the S1 switch to the comm(left side)     
6. RST the board until the START led is on
1 Turn the UART switch to GSM side
2 Input 4 AT command
Send:AT+CGPSIPR=9600 (set the baud rate)
Send:AT+CGPSPWR=1 ?turn on GPS power supply?
Send:AT+CGPSRST=1 ?reset GPS in autonomy mode?

i tested at indoor, then when I walked outdoor (no so far away),
it shows me same results as indoor.:-\

I using a 9V panasonic battery for outdoor testing, it ran out fast. We must have a portable re-chargeable battery right?

Thanks reply.=)

userHeadPic JJ
2014-12-16 07:16:11 Hey JJ,

Sorry for the late reply, it is quite busy these days.
It seems that you've gotten a deformed GPS data.
After you input the AT command, have you turned the switch to the GPS side? It is a little different to the GSM side.
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-16 07:16:11 Hey JJ,

Sorry for the late reply, it is quite busy these days.
It seems that you've gotten a deformed GPS data.
After you input the AT command, have you turned the switch to the GPS side? It is a little different to the GSM side.
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-14 09:14:47 Hi all,
I faced the same problems as Charlie,I tested the shield based from the "How to drive the GPS Mode via Arduino board" from wiki.I copied the exactly codes form there, but in the end, it shows me as below where it stops when reach "UTC", I let the switch in middle between GPS and GSM , I interface it with Uno:


+CFUN: 1


$GPGGA statement information:

Hence, I go outdoor testing, I walked through the building, the GPS shield face the sky quite directly. but same result too.  :-\

besides that, may I ask the meaning of 'drive the GPS Mode via Arduino board' means can disconnect it from USB? but i tried it, all operation stops. means, there is always need connect it with USB to laptop? cannot make it be portable?  ???

For the "How to drive the GPS Mode via USB port", I thought only this connection method need connect with USB to laptop all the time. Am I right? but I walked outdoor,I walked through the building, the GPS shield face the sky quite directly. It show me same results as Indoor. Why ya? like



Thanks replys. :)

Best regards

userHeadPic JJ
2014-12-14 09:14:47 Hi all,
I faced the same problems as Charlie,I tested the shield based from the "How to drive the GPS Mode via Arduino board" from wiki.I copied the exactly codes form there, but in the end, it shows me as below where it stops when reach "UTC", I let the switch in middle between GPS and GSM , I interface it with Uno:


+CFUN: 1


$GPGGA statement information:

Hence, I go outdoor testing, I walked through the building, the GPS shield face the sky quite directly. but same result too.  :-\

besides that, may I ask the meaning of 'drive the GPS Mode via Arduino board' means can disconnect it from USB? but i tried it, all operation stops. means, there is always need connect it with USB to laptop? cannot make it be portable?  ???

For the "How to drive the GPS Mode via USB port", I thought only this connection method need connect with USB to laptop all the time. Am I right? but I walked outdoor,I walked through the building, the GPS shield face the sky quite directly. It show me same results as Indoor. Why ya? like



Thanks replys. :)

Best regards

userHeadPic JJ
2014-07-01 15:19:36 Ah, a conflict with my SD card shield. I removed it for now.

Now, I see:
Code: Select all
userHeadPic charlie
2014-07-01 15:19:36 Ah, a conflict with my SD card shield. I removed it for now.

Now, I see:
Code: Select all
userHeadPic charlie
2014-07-01 15:12:41 Hello timmytiang,

There's a reference here for Uno and Mega differences:

And, yes, the GPS Sample Code is, I believe, a collection of useful functions, and is not meant to compile.

I am also working with the "How to drive the GPS Mode via Arduino board".

Haven't yet got past UTC: prompt.
userHeadPic charlie
2014-07-01 15:12:41 Hello timmytiang,

There's a reference here for Uno and Mega differences:

And, yes, the GPS Sample Code is, I believe, a collection of useful functions, and is not meant to compile.

I am also working with the "How to drive the GPS Mode via Arduino board".

Haven't yet got past UTC: prompt.
userHeadPic charlie
2014-07-01 15:05:14 Hello timmytiang,

I have the same hardware.

I also do not get a GPS fix. External power is important, because the modem sometimes need more current that the Arduino can provide.

I am working with the GPS Sample Code and it is a puzzle. There is no void setup() and no void loop(). Of course, it won't compile.

I park the hardware beside a  window and I get:
Code: Select all
$GPGGA statement information:
And nothing more.
userHeadPic charlie
2014-07-01 15:05:14 Hello timmytiang,

I have the same hardware.

I also do not get a GPS fix. External power is important, because the modem sometimes need more current that the Arduino can provide.

I am working with the GPS Sample Code and it is a puzzle. There is no void setup() and no void loop(). Of course, it won't compile.

I park the hardware beside a  window and I get:
Code: Select all
$GPGGA statement information:
And nothing more.
userHeadPic charlie
2014-06-28 05:12:54 Hi,
I facing problem on "How to drive the GPS Mode via Arduino board". I follow the coding from wiki but it is not working. If I using arduino UNO board its work, when i change to arduino MEGA board its not working. The serial monitor only can print until the "Lat:", after that it like hag d.

Then I try to remove the code for "latitute();", it work for the "lat_dir();" but not working for "longitude();" also... same thing to the "altitude();". In my arduino UNO board, normally it will show "inf" but in my arduino MEGA board it show nothing and look like hag d.

How to solve this problem?
userHeadPic timmytiang