Forum >Chirstmas competiton Submitions 2011
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Chirstmas competiton Submitions 2011

userHead Hector 2011-12-09 23:00:43 15744 Views4 Replies


[font=verdana]    We decided to build a learning robot kit for Christmas, we think it makes for a great gift for anyone wanting to learn about robotics. This is a DIY remote control robot kit. This kit is ideal for anyone from beginner to expert. The kit includes an electronic assembly guide along with wiring diagrams and sample codes. For those of you who don’t like reading the manual, great! We encourage you to take these components and make your own version of the Christmas Rover. Since this robot kit is DIY and based on Open Source hardware, its easy to modify for your own projects; add or remove sensors depending on what you want to achieve with your new robot.
    This robot kit comes with 3 infrared sensors, 1 ultrasonic sensor, 1 IR receiver and IR Control, 1 Bluetooth module, our wildly popular Romeo microcontroller (Arduino compatible); which is ideal for robotics since it comes with an integrated motor controller, and of course the above pictured 4WD robot platform, wheels and all!

1. You need to use a DFRobot robotics platform (any will do): 

Links  for different options (recommended, but not mandatory):
    *[/font] [font=verdana]Chirstmas Rover
    * 4WD Mobile Platform
    * 4WD Mobile Platform(with Romeo) 
    * A4WD Mobile Robot with encoder 

2. Make your own robot using the included parts and any other items (sensors, motors, costumes, etc...) you might want to add.
3. Make it look good, and most important, have fun!
4. Deadline: February 15th 2012

NOTE: If you already have the 4WD platform you may also participate!

Manual for our Chirstmas Rover special: Manual 

How the winner will be determined

The winner will be determined by the community. People will be able to vote on their favorite robot until February 25th 2012. The winner will be announced on February 26th 2012. The robots with the most votes will win a coupon. See below for prices.

1st place: 200 USD Coupon
2nd Place: 100 USD Coupon
3rd Place: 35 USD Coupon

Please post your submissions to this forum Poll.[/font]

Please post your Christmas robot submissions to this Poll.

We will start to add Options to the poll as we receive submissions. For now the poll is locked until we get the first 3 submissions, so hurry up and get your entry in!

2012-02-16 21:50:37 SEXY Bot!

Hey guys this is my robot, it has a Romeo microcontroller,rogue rmp3 shield, ping sensor. When ever it sees a female, it compliments them on there body xD.

Hope you guys like it!!

It is still the 15th in California, the rules didint mention what time zone...... am I still elegible?.

[img] ... 205457.jpg[/img]
userHeadPic omardude
2012-02-16 06:06:07 Hi  Cyclop, thanks for submission. userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2012-02-15 18:54:34 This DFRobot submission was made with the following parts.

ROB0003 - 4WD Mobile Platform (Arduino Controller Supported)
DFR0004 - Romeo-All in one Controller (Arduino Compatible Atmega 328)
DF05BB Standard Servo (5kg) (SER0020)
Pan and Tilt Kit (Black Anodized) (FIT0004)
DFR0123 DC-DC Boost Converter

LDR-M10 Hobby Lidar from MIREMADI.COM

The cool part is a real time of flight HOBBY LIDAR from MIREMADI.COM. The video is autonomous operation with a simple ARDUINO program consuming 6K out of the total 30K available. The platform was a joy to use and is really well built.

Hope you like it!


userHeadPic Cyclop
2011-12-09 23:51:03 Here is our submission.

(NOTE: Our submission will not be participating in the competition)


Here is a video of the Chirstmas Rover in action
userHeadPic Hector