
Correct library for DFR0556 2x16 char backlit LCD display?

userHead gspam1 2022-03-19 16:24:42 617 Views1 Replies
Hi All,

I'm struggling to find the correct library to drive my new DFR0556 2 line backlit display.

The product's page links me to an RGB library, but this version of the display only has a single LED backlight.

The library makes reference to backlight control commands, but they don't appear to be implemented (or have been partially removed in this up-issue adding RGB support?)

[DFR Wiki page](
Linked GitHub repo - for [Grove - LCD RGB Backlight](

I can write to and clear the display, but I can't turn the backlight off, or change the contrast.

Can anyone point me to the correct library for this beastie??


2022-06-27 17:20:45

Hi! How much is the Lcd product SKU? It is recommended that you use the product corresponding wiki to control the backlight brightness.

userHeadPic Tonny12138