3.5" 480x320 TFT interrupt pin not changing

userHead tcamps 2022-07-10 07:26:51 1273 Views1 Replies

I'm using this with a FireBeetle 2 over GDI cable. Attaching an interrupt to pin 16 (pin 16/D11 labeled as INT in FireBeetle 2 documentation) does nothing, and printing the status of pin 16 using digitalRead shows that it's held LOW no matter how much I touch the screen.


Touch function works fine other than the non-working interrupt pin.


Is there anything else I need to do to get INT pin working? Is pin 16 incorrect?

2023-02-02 17:19:59


Could you please paste your code here? that can help us diagnosis the problem.

It may caused by the pin mode setting. To enable interrupt mode, one line of code should be added.

You can refer this tuturial.


Hope it can help.

userHeadPic Tonny12138