Forum >Initialize sim808 module
Initialize sim808 module

Error on trying to initialize the sim808
Here is the code I am using, it fails on the
//******** Initialize sim808 module *************
### Get GPS data
1. This example is used to test SIM808 GPS/GPRS/GSM Shield's reading GPS data.
2. Open the SIM808_GetGPS example or copy these code to your project
3. Download and dial the function switch to Arduino
4. open serial helper
4. Place it outside, waiting for a few minutes and then it will send GPS data to serial
#include <DFRobot_sim808.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//#define PIN_TX 10
//#define PIN_RX 11
//SoftwareSerial mySerial(PIN_TX,PIN_RX);
//DFRobot_SIM808 sim808(&mySerial);//Connect RX,TX,PWR,
DFRobot_SIM808 sim808(&Serial);
void setup() {
//******** Initialize sim808 module *************
while(!sim808.init()) {
Serial.print("Sim808 init error\r\n");
//************* Turn on the GPS power************
if( sim808.attachGPS())
Serial.println("Open the GPS power success");
Serial.println("Open the GPS power failure");
void loop() {
//************** Send the coordinates(latitude&lonitude)in the Serial Monitor *******************
if (sim808.getGPS()) {
Serial.print("latitude :");
Serial.print("longitude :");
Here is the code I am using, it fails on the
//******** Initialize sim808 module *************
### Get GPS data
1. This example is used to test SIM808 GPS/GPRS/GSM Shield's reading GPS data.
2. Open the SIM808_GetGPS example or copy these code to your project
3. Download and dial the function switch to Arduino
4. open serial helper
4. Place it outside, waiting for a few minutes and then it will send GPS data to serial
#include <DFRobot_sim808.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//#define PIN_TX 10
//#define PIN_RX 11
//SoftwareSerial mySerial(PIN_TX,PIN_RX);
//DFRobot_SIM808 sim808(&mySerial);//Connect RX,TX,PWR,
DFRobot_SIM808 sim808(&Serial);
void setup() {
//******** Initialize sim808 module *************
while(!sim808.init()) {
Serial.print("Sim808 init error\r\n");
//************* Turn on the GPS power************
if( sim808.attachGPS())
Serial.println("Open the GPS power success");
Serial.println("Open the GPS power failure");
void loop() {
//************** Send the coordinates(latitude&lonitude)in the Serial Monitor *******************
if (sim808.getGPS()) {
Serial.print("latitude :");
Serial.print("longitude :");
2017-11-06 11:30:46 I have insert a sim card with PIN code disabled and it works now. Apparently SIM card is needed even when you use only the GPS functionality.

2017-11-04 13:17:26 Hi ddahlman, I have exactly the same problem and I have read some other replys in different forums, but without success. Did you make any progress?